Autism and Sensing: The Unlost Instinct

[Donna Williams] ✓ Autism and Sensing: The Unlost Instinct ↠ Download Online eBook or Kindle ePUB. Autism and Sensing: The Unlost Instinct Suzie said Thoughtful and Fascinating. This is a book about the experience of sensing not the mechanics of perception it is philosophy, not science. The basis of the book is the idea that most people move quickly on from sensing the world to interpreting it, but that autistic people either remain in the sensing stage or never quite fully let go of it. I identified with a lot of the thoughts and experiences related here and found it interesting and enjoyable to read. I think there are many people

Autism and Sensing: The Unlost Instinct

Author :
Rating : 4.23 (587 Votes)
Asin : 1853026123
Format Type : paperback
Number of Pages : 131 Pages
Publish Date : 2014-07-28
Language : English


Suzie said Thoughtful and Fascinating. This is a book about the experience of sensing not the mechanics of perception it is philosophy, not science. The basis of the book is the idea that most people move quickly on from sensing the world to interpreting it, but that autistic people either remain in the sensing stage or never quite fully let go of it. I identified with a lot of the thoughts and experiences related here and found it interesting and enjoyable to read. I think there are many people who might not 'get' where this is coming from though from those who do not un. Thoughtswordsbooks said Intense reading. Though slim, this book is dense and intense. Perhaps it is one of the most provacative books on autism as it gets into the core of what's going on with many people--though certainly not all--on the spectrum. It was an incredible window into my daughter's world that helped me to understand and make sense of what I felt I knew about my daughter but couldn't put into words. Donna found those words beautifully and effectively.. A work of genius John Falicki I am a philosopher and expert hypnotist, and this book is the finest exposition of 'low-level' perception and apperception that I have ever read. Anyone interested in issues of consciousness and altered states of awareness should read this superbly well-written book.

Expanding on themes of her previous book, Autism: An Inside-Out Approach, Donna Williams explains how the senses of a person with autism work, suggesting that they are 'stuck' at an early development stage common to everyone. She calls this the system of sensing, claiming that most people move on to the system of interpretation which enables them to make sense of the world. In doing so, as well as gaining the means of coping with the world, they lose various abilities which people with autism retain.

The basis of the book is the idea that most people move quickly on from sensing the world to interpreting it, but that autistic people either remain in the sensing stage or never quite fully let go of it. This is my favourite of all of Donna Williams's books. In this book she suggests that, for people with autism, their senses become 'stuck' at an early stage of development, rather than being subsumed into an interpreting, mind-based way of coping with the world: the system of interpretation Donna suggests that, for most people, the development of mind dominates more primitive emotions which continue to be experienced by people who are 's

After 13 years in the UK, she now lives back in Australia with her husband Chris. Donna is also the author of four autobiographies - Nobody Nowhere, Somebody Somewhere, Like Colour to the Blind and Everyday Heaven - along with several other books on autism, Autism: An Inside-Out Approach, Exposure Anxiety, The Jumbled Jigsaw (forthcoming) and a col