Cogs, Caravels, and Galleons: The Sailing Ship 1000-1650 (Conway's History of the Ship)

[Brand: Chartwell Books] ✓ Cogs, Caravels, and Galleons: The Sailing Ship 1000-1650 (Conways History of the Ship) ✓ Download Online eBook or Kindle ePUB. Cogs, Caravels, and Galleons: The Sailing Ship 1000-1650 (Conways History of the Ship) exceptional history of ships I had an interest in navigation history since I was a kid. I read many books about this subject and Conways History of the Ship is hands down the best of the bunch. The collection targets the technical aspects of the ship evolution, but there are plenty of old sailor stories for everyone interested.This particlar volume covers the period of the european emergence and shows how the ships which were used to build the early colonial empires came into being.However, not

Cogs, Caravels, and Galleons: The Sailing Ship 1000-1650 (Conway's History of the Ship)

Author :
Rating : 4.85 (596 Votes)
Asin : 0785812652
Format Type : paperback
Number of Pages : 188 Pages
Publish Date : 2016-03-02
Language : English


The main chapters are devoted to the principal ship types, explaining the latest thinking on the characteristics of cogs, caravels, and hulks that have caused scholarly debate for decades. Without the three-masted ship the European age of exploration and expansion is almost inconceivable and there is no doubt that the subsequent evolution of the world would have been markedly different. In recent years much original research has been done in this field, based on both documentary sources and archeology, but this is the first overall synthesis of the new material now available. All the contributors are foremost experts in their fields, but in presenting the fruits of their research at an approachable level, COGS, CARAVELS AND GALLEONS is a pioneering work in this area of maritime history. Lavishly illustrated, this informative volume - the eighth in an ambitious series - includes over 50 black-and-white photo

exceptional history of ships I had an interest in navigation history since I was a kid. I read many books about this subject and Conway's History of the Ship is hands down the best of the bunch. The collection targets the technical aspects of the ship evolution, but there are plenty of old sailor stories for everyone interested.This particlar volume covers the period of the european emergence and shows how the ships which were used to build the early colonial empires came into being.However, not all the series is still in print, so you m. Henry S. Plouse said If you can only have one, make this the one. Ask any medieval history buff about the Crusades and he/she can probably regale you for hours with minutiae. Ask him/her about the ships which carried the majority of the Crusaders to the Holy Land and which were critical to the support of their efforts and you are likely to draw a blank. Worse, if you attempt to research the issue, you will soon discover that the available resources are incredibly sparse. Which is where this book comes in.While the price is daunting and the volume, itself, is surprisingly th. J. R. Garrett said Ship bulding and history. Lots of info into the construction and use of these ships. Not something you are going to read and toss.

Every significant ship type from the dawn of seafaring to the present day is analyzed and detailed in coherent essays. Each volume adopts a strong theme which allows it to stand alone, but throughout the series a strict chronological sequence has been maintained. CONWAY'S HISTORY OF THE SHIP is the first comprehensive and authoritative account of this technological and cultural phenomenon. . From the Publisher CONWAY'S HISTORY OF THE SHIP The ship is probably the most influential tool in human history and it continues to exert a widespread and persistent fascination. An unprecedented line-up of over one hundred leading maritime historians and specialists from around the wo