Karma: What It Is, What It Isn't, Why It Matters

Read [Traleg Kyabgon Book] Karma: What It Is, What It Isnt, Why It Matters Online PDF eBook or Kindle ePUB free. Karma: What It Is, What It Isnt, Why It Matters He cuts through the persistent illusions we cling to about karma to show what it really is—the mechanics of why we suffer and how we can make the suffering end. The Buddha’s teaching on karma (literally, action) is nothing other than his compassionate explanation of the way things are: our thoughts and actions determine our future, and therefore we ourselves are largely responsible for the way our lives unfold. He explains how a realistic understanding of karma is indispensable to

Karma: What It Is, What It Isn't, Why It Matters

Author :
Rating : 4.55 (582 Votes)
Asin : B00YQDE616
Format Type :
Number of Pages : 221 Pages
Publish Date : 2013-04-09
Language : English


Six manuscripts and six years later, she published Karma(1981), which began a ten-book series about brash Berkeley cop Jill Smith.Since then, Dunlap has published more than two dozen novels and several short stories. Her other ongoing characters include Vejay Haskell, Kiernan O'Shaughnessy, and Zen student/stunt double Darcy Lott. She lives nea

He cuts through the persistent illusions we cling to about karma to show what it really is—the mechanics of why we suffer and how we can make the suffering end. The Buddha’s teaching on karma (literally, "action") is nothing other than his compassionate explanation of the way things are: our thoughts and actions determine our future, and therefore we ourselves are largely responsible for the way our lives unfold. He explains how a realistic understanding of karma is indispensable to Buddhist practice, how it provides a foundation for a moral life, and how understanding it can have a transformative effect on the way we relate to our thoughts and feelings and to those around us.. Karma is not simple, as Traleg Kyabgon shows, and it’s to be taken very seriously indeed. Yet this supremely useful teaching is often ignored due to the misconceptions about it that abound in popular culture, especially oversimplifications that make it seem like something not to be taken seriously

Curare said Very good explanation of a misunderstood concept. I loved this book. This is easily one of my favorite Buddhist books and I will re-read it in the future. I've been studying Buddhism for half my life, but I still had questions on the concept of karma. This book helped clear those questions right up.The author is great at wording Buddhist ideas in a way that westerners can understand. Karma (along with nirvana, emptiness, and rebirth) is very misunderstood idea in western culture (and others). Most western Buddhists I've met don't even understand what it is or how it works in their lives. I highly recommend this book . "Simple, Clear Explanation of Karma" according to Truthseeker. The best book on karma I have ever read, written by a Tibetan monk for a secular or generically spiritual American audience (i.e., not full of Buddhist terms and concepts). The Buddhist view of karma is not as fatalistic as the Hindu view, I was pleasantly surprised to learn. I was also surprised to learn that not everything IS karmic; that is, there is also luck and just being in the wrong place at the wrong time. In these latter two cases, karma enters the picture with what you choose to DO in such a situation. Good clear writing and very empowering.. "This is the best book - clear and concise explanations about karma" according to Anne. This is the best book - clear and concise explanations about karma, including some information that other teachers tend to avoid.

“Karma is often a misunderstood topic in Buddhism. This clear explanation from such an eminent teacher as the late Traleg Kyabgon Rinpoche, who possessed great knowledge of both dharma and the Western mind-set, will bring profound benefit to us all.”—Dzigar Kongtrül Rinpoche, author of It’s Up to You