My Awesome Japan Adventure: A Diary about the Best 4 Months Ever!

Download My Awesome Japan Adventure: A Diary about the Best 4 Months Ever! PDF by Rebecca Otowa eBook or Kindle ePUB Online free. My Awesome Japan Adventure: A Diary about the Best 4 Months Ever! THANK you Rebecca according to Sea Bird. Really good book--both interesting in its story lineand effective for conveying cultural differences in story-like manner for grade school children. In addition, since it is written in a blog/journal style, it might even encourage children to keep their own journals while traveling. One of . Five Stars according to Amazon Customer. Cute book.. An Awesomely Fun Book! Linda Austin - MoonbridgeBooks My, what a delightful book this is! The colorful cover

My Awesome Japan Adventure: A Diary about the Best 4 Months Ever!

Author :
Rating : 4.92 (708 Votes)
Asin : 4805312165
Format Type : paperback
Number of Pages : 48 Pages
Publish Date : 2016-01-05
Language : English


She is the author of At Home In Japan.. Originally from California, Rebecca Otowa is a writer, painter and teacher who—during her thirty years in Japan—has become a wife, mother, grandmother, and the chatelaine of a 350-year-old farmhouse in Shiga, Japan

Highly recommended for children interested in learning abo"I highly recommend this incredible cultural gem—my kids poured over the pictures and text. … Rebecca Otowa truly knows h"My Awesome Japan Adventure is lush with specific, intriguing details about the Japanese culture and the lives of Japanese children and families. How interesting to see your country through the eyes of a foreigner. At the end he hoped he would be coming back soon." —Miriam, age 10, City Book Review"…the story and illustrations will hold a child's interest with comparisons to Japanese and American culture written in a voice they can easily identify with." —The Japan Times"This notebook style gr

"THANK you Rebecca" according to Sea Bird. Really good book--both interesting in its story lineand effective for conveying cultural differences in story-like manner for grade school children. In addition, since it is written in a blog/journal style, it might even encourage children to keep their own journals while traveling. One of . "Five Stars" according to Amazon Customer. Cute book.. An Awesomely Fun Book! Linda Austin - MoonbridgeBooks My, what a delightful book this is! The colorful cover opens to a fun feast for the eyes. Fifth grader Dan travels from the U.S. to Japan to stay with the Murata family for four months of discovery. The pages are packed with kawaii (cute), detailed artwork and tidily printed journal entries

Readers of all ages will love experiencing life in Japan from a kid's point of view!Dan's adventures include: My First Week of School, Visiting a Ninja Village, Fun with Origami, Practicing Aikido, Making Mochi, and much more… As a multicultural children's book, My Awesome Japan Adventure is perfect for kids who want to explore another culture and have fun in the process!. With the help of a Japanese foster brother and sister he visits a Ninja village, tries new foods, learns brush painting, and gets the inside scoop on daily life in a Japanese school. PICKED AS ONE OF THE BEST BOOKS OF 2013 BY THE ASSOCIATION OF BOOKSELLERS FOR CHILDREN!A perfect introduction to