Saving the Seal (Volume 1)

Read [Cristina Grenier Book] Saving the Seal (Volume 1) Online PDF eBook or Kindle ePUB free. Saving the Seal (Volume 1) Genevieve Thomas, however, is the last thing he ever expected to come across in a psychological evaluation. Doctor Genevieve Thomas has known her calling since she was a young girl. Owen Sinclair doesn’t like doctors. He doesn’t like discussing his past and he’s perfectly content to battle his demons on his own. Dr. Her father’s suicide in the wake of his service in the Vietnam War drove her to be a psychiatrist specializing in Veteran services, and she’s utterly de

Saving the Seal (Volume 1)

Author :
Rating : 4.84 (892 Votes)
Asin : 1631560360
Format Type : paperback
Number of Pages : 128 Pages
Publish Date : 2015-11-09
Language : English


Hello, So this is the part where I'm supposed to talk about myself. Funny how that works. I enjoy creating characters that everyone can relate to. I'm a sucker for romance. I really hope you enjoy the stories I create. I draw from past experiences and from others around me when I write. I write so many stories but I often I have a hard time telling my own. If you want to keep updated on my new releases and receive a FREE full-length romance, please visit my website and subscribe to my email

Genevieve Thomas, however, is the last thing he ever expected to come across in a psychological evaluation. Doctor Genevieve Thomas has known her calling since she was a young girl. Owen Sinclair doesn’t like doctors. He doesn’t like discussing his past and he’s perfectly content to battle his demons on his own. Dr. Her father’s suicide in the wake of his service in the Vietnam War drove her to be a psychiatrist specializing in Veteran services, and she’s utterly devoted to her cause. Her smooth, dark skin and entrancing eyes immediately enthrall him, and he quickly realizes that he must decide which is more important: his pride, or obsession with the woman slowly but surely saving his soul from the darkness that threatens it?. The retired seal refuses to seek help for the memories that haunt his dreams until his CO sets him up in a last bid to save

Lack of research by the author made this unbelievable. binky mcgee I found it incredibly difficult to get through this book. So much so that I skimmed through the last quarter of it. It started almost at the beginning. The author spends a great deal of time talking about Genny's reason for entering the field of psychiatry she chose, specializing in PTSD. She goes into detail about her education and pride in finally receiving her MD. Then just pages later she is looking at a picture of Owen's face and notices some scars. When trying to determine how old they are she claims she's not a medical doctor. What does MD stand for? I laughed it off because I understood what she was trying to say, t. Owen and Genny Gail T The storyline is a great read, it has drama, romance, and some action. Owen is a retired Navy Seal with a lot of demons from his last tour of duty. He hates doctors of any kind, including psychiatrists. He refuses to see a psychiatrist but his sleepless nights and the ability to get past his nightmares starts him to reconsider his decision not to see a psychiatrist along with the tough love from his CO. Genny is a psychiatrist with a caring, compassionate, devoted, and winning personality. She listens and sees the patient as a whole person. When Owen and Genny meet it's as though they're colliding on different planes, the a. Crystal said 5 Star Read this was a Great Book!. I was given this book as an ARC for an honest review. From the start I loved this book. Ms. Grenier did it again by putting together to people that I could fall in love with. Owen is very alpha and was hurt during his last tour of duty. He suffered from PTSD and came to see Genevieve (even though he didn't want to) and from the start the attraction between the two was off the chain. I loved how research was done in this book to make it more believeable. I have to say this because reading other books that have a "military" back drop not all books are real to life. But Ms. Grenier made you believe that Owen was a Navy Seal an

Funny how that works. I write so many stories but I often I have a hard time telling my own. I really hope you enjoy the stories I create. If you want to keep updated on my new releases and receive a FREE full-length romance, please visit my website and subscribe to my email group. I'm a bit of a homebody, my ideal night consists of a chilled bottle of wine, some pasta and Netflix. Besides writing, I also enjoy painting and figure drawing. I draw from past experiences and from others around me when I write. My name is Cristina Grenier and I have been writing stories for as long as I could remember . About the Author Hello, So this is the part where I'm supposed to talk about myself.