The Gods of HP Lovecraft

# Read ^ The Gods of HP Lovecraft by Martha Wells, Jonathan Maberry, Seanan McGuire, James A. Moore, Christopher Golden, David Liss, Joe Lansdale, Rachel Caine, Adam Neville, Laird Barron á eBook or Kindle ePUB. The Gods of HP Lovecraft Vulpine from Innsmouth said This isnt your every day Mythos collection. This is a great collection. Take the top Gods and Critters of Lovecraft, take some of the top authors of weird fiction, and see what they come up with. Some of the ideas lookedodd to start with. Rodeo clowns and formless spawn, Deep Ones and science majors, old folks homes and the Great Race of Yith. But each story worked, and worked well. And if youre not familiar with all of the beings/gods/etc, Donald Tyson gives an eso

The Gods of HP Lovecraft

Author :
Rating : 4.20 (880 Votes)
Asin : 1942712561
Format Type : paperback
Number of Pages : 454 Pages
Publish Date : 2013-12-21
Language : English


Vulpine from Innsmouth said This isn't your every day Mythos collection. This is a great collection. Take the top Gods and Critters of Lovecraft, take some of the top authors of weird fiction, and see what they come up with. Some of the ideas lookedodd to start with. Rodeo clowns and formless spawn, Deep Ones and science majors, old folks homes and the Great Race of Yith. But each story worked, and worked well. And if you're not familiar with all of the beings/gods/etc, Donald Tyson gives an esoteric thumbnail description. So go forth and read, you know Cthulhu wants you too.. Jill Bemis said Tales to Delight and Terrify. Editor Aaron J. French gathered twelve Mythos tales based on Lovecraft’s bestiary of gods. His experience as book editor for JournalStone Publishing, Editor-in-Chief for Dark Discoveries magazine, and co-editor of The Lovecraft eZine gives French the credentials to be able to select stories for this Lovecraft style horror collection.Commentator, Donald Tyson based his extensive deity explanations on his studies as occult scholar. Tyson, an author in his own right, has written several books on occult philosophy, Necronomicon and magic, including “The Dream World of H.P. Lovecraft: His Life, His Demons, His Universe.One section . Great fun! The collection of stories in The Gods of H.P. Lovecraft offers a delightful homage to Mr. Lovecraft and his iconic mythos. Editor Aaron J. French uses his skill to present the reader with such eclectic styles from somber to silly. Each story though successfully explains one of the twelve deities populating the Lovecraftian Mythos. Gone is the early twentieth century formal prose of Lovecraft to a reading experience much more accessible. Whether you are a fan of H.P. Lovecraft’s universe, or have no more than a passing familiarity. This anthology will have you searching for the Lovecraft originals. Great fun!

All 12 stories are scary and well-crafted with plenty to offer. As if that wasn't enough we also get some great artwork and individual commentary on each of the deities by Donald Tyson."--Derek Gunn, The Big Thrill (ITW). Howard, and any of the others who have kept this mythos alive, make some room on your bookshelf. LOVECRAFT is a dream of an anthology. This is a must for all horror collections."-- ALA Booklist Starred Review"THE GODS OF H. There isn't one name I did not know and many already on my ownbookshelves, so this really is a treat. Lovecraft an

About the book: Lovecraft's bestiary of gods has had a major influence on the horror scene from the time these sacred names were first evoked. The Gods of H.P. Cthulhu, Azathoth, Nyarlathotep, Yog-Sothoth-this pantheon of the horrific calls to mind the very worst of cosmic nightmares and the very darkest signs of human nature. The Gods of H.P. Lovecraft brings together twelve all-new Mythos tales from: Cthulhu (Adam Nevill) - Yog-Sothoth (Martha Wells) - Azathoth (Laird Barron) - Nyarlathotep (Bentley Little) - Shub-Niggurath (David Liss) - Tsathoggua (Brett Talley) - The Mi-Go (Christopher Golden & James A. Lovecraft: a brand new anthology that collects the twelve principal deities of the Lovecraftian Mythos and sets them loose within its pages. Moore) - Night-gaunts (Jonathan Maberry) - Elder Things (Joe Lansdale) - Great Race (Rachel Caine) - Yig (Douglas Wynne) - The Deep Ones (Seanan McGuire) With commentary on each deity by Donald Tyson. Featuring the biggest names in horror and dark fantasy, including many NY Times bestsellers, full of original fiction and artwork, and individual commentary on each of the deities by Donald Tyson

. Martha Wells is the author of many fantasy novels, including The Books of the Raksura series, the Fall of Ile-Rien trilogy, The Element of Fire, City of Bones, Wheel of the Infinite, and the Nebula-nominated The Death of the Necromancer.  She has also written short stories, non-fiction, YA fantasies, and media tie-ins, including Star Wars: Razor's