The MouseDriver Chronicles

Read The MouseDriver Chronicles PDF by John Lusk, Kyle Harrison eBook or Kindle ePUB Online free. The MouseDriver Chronicles Dumb Product Great Story I did not have high expectations for this book, but to my surprise I could not put it down after opening it. As a prospective entrepreneur, I wanted to get a sense of what it is like to start your own company from the founders point of view, but I wanted to hear about real companies, with real products, not glorified IPO get rich schemes. This book supports my belief that when looking at case studies, one can learn much more from failures, than successes. As a techie, M

The MouseDriver Chronicles

Author :
Rating : 4.42 (921 Votes)
Asin : 0738205737
Format Type : paperback
Number of Pages : 256 Pages
Publish Date : 0000-00-00
Language : English


We needed to blaze to San Francisco and get rolling. Or MouseDrivers in stock. Except we didn't yet have an office in San Francisco. We had all our plans and ambition, but everything real about running a business was ahead of us. Out of their diary entries grew The MouseDriver Chronicles, an intimate, insightful, and often funny look into the minds of two entrepreneurs and how they brought a simple idea to market.From The MouseDriver Chronicles:"School was just about over, and the wondrous combination of brick-baking heat and relentless high humidity that defines summer in south Philadelphia wasn't too far off. To the almost universal disdain of their friends and professors, these two turned down tempting job offers, borrowed money from friends and family, loaded up on credit card debt, and decided to start a single-product company to manufacture and market a computer mouse shaped like the head of a

Specifically, to produce and sell a computer mouse designed to look like a golf-club head (a state-of-the-art titanium driver to be exact). But when the dot-coms start going belly-up, this little-retail-product-company-that-could shows that the basics of business still apply--a handy lesson for those wondering what happened after the dot-com crash, as well as any would-be entrepreneurs wanting to make a go of it. "I wanted to feel the pain of starting a company," Lusk writes in this clear and insightful memoir, "to go into debt, have my ego crushed and experience first-hand the thrill of working like a dog for months without a paycheck." Since he also expected to make a million in two years, it's not surprising that all these come to pass. John Lusk and Kyle Harrison seemed slightly out of their minds when, unlike their fellow MBAs, they skipped on flashy, lucrative offers from dot-coms to become entrepreneurs. --Lesley Reed. The duo struggle with the

Dumb Product Great Story I did not have high expectations for this book, but to my surprise I could not put it down after opening it. As a prospective entrepreneur, I wanted to get a sense of what it is like to start your own company from the founder's point of view, but I wanted to hear about real companies, with real products, not glorified IPO get rich schemes. This book supports my belief that when looking at case studies, one can learn much more from failures, than successes. As a techie, Mousedriver seemed doomed to fail from the start because they were tryi. "Awesome!!" according to Jonathan Rickert. The MouseDriver Chronicles is arguably the most candid and useful book about entrepreneurship on the market right now. The book is replete with important nuggets of knowledge, such the "Rule of Awesome!! Jonathan Rickert The MouseDriver Chronicles is arguably the most candid and useful book about entrepreneurship on the market right now. The book is replete with important nuggets of knowledge, such the "Rule of 4," the 4 P's of entrepreneurship, the art of "low financing," the importance of securing markets etc. The MouseDriver Chronicles is well written and offers a wealth of practical advice to entrepreneurs and business enthusiasts alike. It truly is a MUST read!!. ," the Awesome!! Jonathan Rickert The MouseDriver Chronicles is arguably the most candid and useful book about entrepreneurship on the market right now. The book is replete with important nuggets of knowledge, such the "Rule of 4," the 4 P's of entrepreneurship, the art of "low financing," the importance of securing markets etc. The MouseDriver Chronicles is well written and offers a wealth of practical advice to entrepreneurs and business enthusiasts alike. It truly is a MUST read!!. P's of entrepreneurship, the art of "low financing," the importance of securing markets etc. The MouseDriver Chronicles is well written and offers a wealth of practical advice to entrepreneurs and business enthusiasts alike. It truly is a MUST read!!. A great book. This is a great book and a must read for any would be entrepreneurs. The authors are not trying to scare anybody by sharing their hard experience, but sure serves the purpose of warning people's rosy dream of being their own boss. If nothing more, the book tells the story again that starting a small business is difficult.Not sure John and Kyle are great businessman, but they are great writers for sure.