Weekend Woodworking For The Garden

Read [Cindy Burda, Thomas Stender Book] Weekend Woodworking For The Garden Online PDF eBook or Kindle ePUB free. Weekend Woodworking For The Garden The projects include a butterfly box, planter, potting bench and picnic table. “Offers 20 outdoor projects for anyone who can hold a saw or drive a screwbeginning chapters cover woodworking basics, tools and techniques. Each project includes a cut list, recommendations for materials and hardware, and step-by-step instructions.”—Woodshop News.]

Weekend Woodworking For The Garden

Author :
Rating : 4.56 (669 Votes)
Asin : 0806922532
Format Type : paperback
Number of Pages : 128 Pages
Publish Date : 2016-04-06
Language : English


Debbie Rodgers said A wide variety of projects. Step-by-step instructions for a variety of garden furnishings - from a butterfly box to a potting bench to a portable privacy screen. Some diagrams of the various steps, but photos only of the finished products.

The projects include a butterfly box, planter, potting bench and picnic table. “Offers 20 outdoor projects for anyone who can hold a saw or drive a screwbeginning chapters cover woodworking basics, tools and techniques. Each project includes a cut list, recommendations for materials and hardware, and step-by-step instructions.”—Woodshop News.