Working for You Isn't Working for Me: How to Get Ahead When Your Boss Holds You Back

Read [Katherine Crowley, Kathi Elster Book] Working for You Isnt Working for Me: How to Get Ahead When Your Boss Holds You Back Online PDF eBook or Kindle ePUB free. Working for You Isnt Working for Me: How to Get Ahead When Your Boss Holds You Back The guide for anyone who deals with difficult authority figures at work. But you can take charge of this crucial workplace relationship. In this book, Katherine Crowley and Kathi Elster, authors of the bestseller Working for You Is Killing Me, offer concrete examples of bad boss scenarios and a proven four-step program for improving each situation: •Detect - Identify how this person drives you crazy. •Depersonalize - Learn how to take a bosss actions less personally. When

Working for You Isn't Working for Me: How to Get Ahead When Your Boss Holds You Back

Author :
Rating : 4.57 (893 Votes)
Asin : 1591843685
Format Type : paperback
Number of Pages : 320 Pages
Publish Date : 2013-07-09
Language : English


For anyone who struggles with an inept, unsupportive or even hostile manager, the descriptions of bad boss behavior will likely sound familiar, as will the employee's probable pattern of reaction (e.g., self-doubt, avoidance, sulking, ardently wishing for your boss's demise). Crowley and Elster taxonomize offenders into 20 types (The Chronic Critic, Liar, Liar, The Unconscious Discriminator) and offer practical advice for finding productive ways of coping with each personality through detecting, detaching, depersonalizing and dealing. (Oct.)Copyright © Reed Business Information, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc. It's another thing to have a boss who makes it difficult for you to succeed, begin Crowley

. Katherine Crowley is a Harvard-trained psychotherapist, and Kathi Elster is a management consultant and executive coach. They run K Squared Enterprises, a training firm that helps clients manage difficult situations in the workplace

Changed my relationship with my boss Despite having 15 years working experience and an MBA under my belt, I struggled for years with difficult bosses. I would be in a job for 6 to 12 months, get sick of my boss and jump ship. I managed to strike lucky with one or two enlightened bosses, but by far the most of them were terrible.I'm currently in a job that I love, working with people who are fantastic, but my boss sucks. I really don't want to leave my job, so what should I do? I read th. "way too complicated" according to skippy. This book offers one useful concept, which is to identify 20 different types of toxic boss behaviors. In the general trend of many self-help books, they offer clever, catchy categories. In this case, it does help to show how to zero in from a generalized feeling of being persecuted to getting a handle on some specific ways you might be persecuted. HOWEVER: once the authors try to get more clever, they set up such an overcomplicated matrix that's it's. A handbook for taking back your job happiness no matter what your boss does. Craig Matteson We have all had times when our jobs were great. We had work we enjoyed doing each day and a boss that supported us and co-workers who were talented and cooperative. Then things changed and we find ourselves reporting to a boss who makes facing unemployment and foreclosure seem like less a better choice than coming to work to face a buzz saw each morning. Katherine Crowley and Kathi Elster provide you with a manual to help you diagnose the problems yo

The guide for anyone who deals with difficult authority figures at work. But you can take charge of this crucial workplace relationship. In this book, Katherine Crowley and Kathi Elster, authors of the bestseller Working for You Is Killing Me, offer concrete examples of bad boss scenarios and a proven four-step program for improving each situation: •Detect - Identify how this person drives you crazy. •Depersonalize - Learn how to take a boss's actions less personally. When that happens, some people quit, some suffer in silence, and others cope by sulking, obsessing, or retaliating. •Detach - Discover concrete actions you can take to reclaim your power. •Deal - Devise a plan to get what you need and move your career forward.. Sooner or later, we all have to work for someone we can't stand-whether it's an inept supervisor, an undermining department head, or an overly demanding client