60s Fashion: Vintage Fashion and Beauty Ads (Taschen Icon Series)

Read [Jim Heiman Book] 60s Fashion: Vintage Fashion and Beauty Ads (Taschen Icon Series) Online PDF eBook or Kindle ePUB free. 60s Fashion: Vintage Fashion and Beauty Ads (Taschen Icon Series) The ubiquitous miniskirt is here in all its glory, along with mod fashions, Gidget/Beach Boys surfer looks, Correges space age clothing and such iconic items as the Rudi Gernreich topless bathing suit and Yves Saint-Laurents Mondrian dress.. This compendium of clothing advertisements brings back the most prevalent looks from the Swinging Sixties]

60s Fashion: Vintage Fashion and Beauty Ads (Taschen Icon Series)

Author :
Rating : 4.67 (977 Votes)
Asin : 3822849359
Format Type : paperback
Number of Pages : 172 Pages
Publish Date : 2014-03-06
Language : German, English, French


The ubiquitous miniskirt is here in all its glory, along with mod fashions, Gidget/Beach Boys surfer looks, Correges space age clothing and such iconic items as the Rudi Gernreich topless bathing suit and Yves Saint-Laurent's Mondrian dress.. This compendium of clothing advertisements brings back the most prevalent looks from the Swinging Sixties

Fun even if you weren't around in the 60s Bonnie Except for a few pages in front giving a brief overview of the era, this book is full of bright, gorgeous ads from the 60s with no additional text. Mostly makeup, hair care, and other products for women, but with a decent amount of men's and children's ads as well.It was amazing to see all t. **60s**AD**P*O*P** ART! Alex H The 60S FASHION:VINTAGE FASHION AND BEAUTY ADS book is a fascinating time capsule of ads from the groovy 60s!Although the book is much smaller than I expected, measuring about 5.75" X 8", it's B-I-G on color pictures.A brief introduction by Laura Schooling written in English, German and Fren. International Agent said Great review of 60's cultural history. I love this book! It's a great review of the culture of the 60's from the early portion of the decade which still had influences of the 50's to the mod and psychadelic fashions and fads of the latter end of the decade.

Her fiction writing has been covered by SOMA and featured in Giant magazine. . Laura Schooling is the Creative Services Manger of STYLE.COM, and was the founding editor of Front Desk Los Angeles magazine. Jim Heimann is Executive Editor for TASCHEN America in Los Angeles and the author of numerous books on architecture, popular culture, and Hollywood

She has written about music, fashion, and art for Black Book, Time Out New York and Angeleno. . Laura Schooling is the Creative Services Manger of STYLE.COM, and was the founding editor of Front Desk Los Angeles magazine. About the Author Jim Heimann is Executive Editor for TASCHEN America in Los Angeles and the author of numerous books on architecture, popular culture, and Hollywood history. Her fiction writing has been covered by SOMA and featured in Giant magazine