Administering IIS4 (Windows Nt Technical Expert)

Read [Mitch Tulloch, Dorothy Cady Book] Administering IIS4 (Windows Nt Technical Expert) Online PDF eBook or Kindle ePUB free. Administering IIS4 (Windows Nt Technical Expert) This practical, task-oriented guide provides detailed step-by-step instructions on virtually every aspect of installation, configuration, and system management, including how to administer servers, clients, and content developers. Task-based section titles (e.g. Configuring WWW logging and Creating Virtual Servers) make it easier to access information as needed. Microsofts Internet Information Server 4.0 (included in the Windows NT 4.0 Option Pack) is emerging as the platform of choice for

Administering IIS4 (Windows Nt Technical Expert)

Author :
Rating : 4.41 (861 Votes)
Asin : B000FA5MH6
Format Type :
Number of Pages : 270 Pages
Publish Date : 2015-01-30
Language : English


From the Back CoverEverything You Need to Know to Maximize IIS 5.0, Microsoft's Powerful Web Server Now you can get all the information you need to deploy Microsoft’s Internet Information Services 5.0, the powerful Web platform, which is now included as part of Windows 2000 Server. This practical, task-oriented guide explains exactly what you need to know to get IIS 5.0 right the first time, regardless of your level of experience. Covering essential day-to-day maintenance and dozens of invaluable troubleshooting tips and tricks this reference is the ultimate guide for today’s IIS administrators.Coverage includes:Task at a glance section guides for easy to locate information Extensive troubleshooting sections for solving common problems Additional information sources, on-line and off, listed at end of every chapter Step by step walk-throughs,

A Reader said Thought their IISThought their IIS4 book was good and so is this one A Reader I have eight Windows 2000 books. This is the ONLY one of those that covered how to install and configure Certificate Services AND how to deploy and install client certificates. This is rather important for a Web server. The book is clear and concise and covers the major topics needed by most IIS5 Administrators. It is a bit weak on true server security lock-down and AS. book was good and so is this one. I have eight Windows "Thought their IISThought their IIS4 book was good and so is this one A Reader I have eight Windows 2000 books. This is the ONLY one of those that covered how to install and configure Certificate Services AND how to deploy and install client certificates. This is rather important for a Web server. The book is clear and concise and covers the major topics needed by most IIS5 Administrators. It is a bit weak on true server security lock-down and AS. book was good and so is this one" according to A Reader. I have eight Windows 2000 books. This is the ONLY one of those that covered how to install and configure Certificate Services AND how to deploy and install client certificates. This is rather important for a Web server. The book is clear and concise and covers the major topics needed by most IIS5 Administrators. It is a bit weak on true server security lock-down and AS. 000 books. This is the ONLY one of those that covered how to install and configure Certificate Services AND how to deploy and install client certificates. This is rather important for a Web server. The book is clear and concise and covers the major topics needed by most IIS5 Administrators. It is a bit weak on true server security lock-down and AS. Weak. Very, very weak. Reads like someone took a few of the MS whitepapers, culled out the really useful information but ensured that the basic fluff was left intact, threw it all in a blender set on liquify and regurgitated a steaming load of "Well, duh!". Save your money and read the FREE whitepapers Microsoft provides on their site or apply the cost of the book toward purchasing a subscri. Nothing Beyond the Surface Although this title does cover what it promises to cover with daily administration and configuration, the book never presents more information other than what you could have learned from reading the on-line IIS help file that is provided by Microsoft when you install IIS 5.0. It is nice to have the reference in print and it is very comprehensive in that it does cover t

Mitch Tulloch is both an MCSE and a Microsoft Certified Trainer. . He is currently a consultant with Productivity Point

This practical, task-oriented guide provides detailed step-by-step instructions on virtually every aspect of installation, configuration, and system management, including how to administer servers, clients, and content developers. Task-based section titles (e.g. "Configuring WWW logging" and "Creating Virtual Servers") make it easier to access information as needed. Microsoft's Internet Information Server 4.0 (included in the Windows NT 4.0 Option Pack) is emerging as the platform of choice for implementing corporate Intranets and Extranets, for Internet Service Providers, and for programmers developing complex Web-based applications. And numerous screen shots further clarify and reinforce the text.