Analysis (Graduate Studies in Mathematics)

[Elliott H. Lieb, Michael Loss] ✓ Analysis (Graduate Studies in Mathematics) ✓ Read Online eBook or Kindle ePUB. Analysis (Graduate Studies in Mathematics) He is also the recipient of several prizes including the 1988 AMS/SIAM Birkhoff Prize. About the authors: Elliott Lieb is Professor of Mathematics and Physics at Princeton University and is a member of the US, Austrian, and Danish Academies of Science. Authors Elliott Lieb and Michael Loss take you quickly from basic topics to methods that work successfully in mathematics and its applications. Michael Loss is Professor of Mathematics at the Georgia Institute of Technology.. This new Second Editi

Analysis (Graduate Studies in Mathematics)

Author :
Rating : 4.84 (539 Votes)
Asin : 0821827839
Format Type : paperback
Number of Pages : 346 Pages
Publish Date : 2016-11-23
Language : English


A tremendous jumpstart into modern mathematical physics I am a physicist with a somewhat limited mathematical background. However, I decided to 'break in' in modern mathematical physics, and that meant acquiring first a modicum of functional analysis and the required measure theory, harmonic analysis, and operator theory that goes with it. If you can afford the time, the classical learning path through, e.g., Kolmogorov & Fomin > Rudin (R&C) > Reed & Simon I (a path that I recommend, by the way), with possible excursions into ODEs and PDEs, probability theory, and modern geometry, is the safe way to go. If you cannot afford the time, read Lieb & Loss. It provides a tremendous . A start in analysis. Palle E T Jorgensen A start in analysis.-- For some number of years, Rudin's "Real and Complex", and a few other analysis books, served as the canonical choice for the book to use, and to teach from, in a first year grad analysis course. Lieb-Loss offers a refreshing alternative: It begins with a down-to-earth intro to measure theory, L^p and all thatIt aims at a wide range of essential applications, such as the Fourier transform, and series, inequalities, distributions, and Sobolev spaces,--- PDE, potential theory, calculus of variations, and math physics (Schrodinger's equation, the hydrogen atom, Thomas-Fermi theory to mention a few.) The. Good book It is an excellent book, I like it.

"Begins with a down-to-earth intro aims at a side range of essential applications The book should work equally well in a one, or in a two semester course great for students to have This choice of book is also especially agreeable to grad students in physics who need to read up on the tools of analysis." ---- Palle JorgensenPraise for the previous edition "I find the selection of the material covered in the book very attractive and I recommend the book to anybody who wants to learn about classical as well as modern mathematical analysis." ---- European Mathematical Society Newsletter"The essentials of modern analysis are presented in a rigorous and pedagogical way readers are guided to a level where they can read the current literature with understanding treatment of the subject is as direct as possible." ---- Zentralblatt MATH

He is also the recipient of several prizes including the 1988 AMS/SIAM Birkhoff Prize. About the authors: Elliott Lieb is Professor of Mathematics and Physics at Princeton University and is a member of the US, Austrian, and Danish Academies of Science. Authors Elliott Lieb and Michael Loss take you quickly from basic topics to methods that work successfully in mathematics and its applications. Michael Loss is Professor of Mathematics at the Georgia Institute of Technology.. This new Second Edition incorporates numerous changes since the publication of the original 1997 edition and includes: Features:

The Second Edition continues its no-nonsense approach to the topic that has made it one of the best selling books on the subject. While omitting many usual typical textbook topics, Analysis includes all necessary definitions, proofs, explanations, examples, and exercises to bring the reader to an ad