Ancient Aliens and Secret Societies

* Read * Ancient Aliens and Secret Societies by Mike Bara ¶ eBook or Kindle ePUB. Ancient Aliens and Secret Societies Chapters include: Out of the Ashes; From the Sky Down; Ancient Aliens?; The Dawn of the Secret Societies; The Fractures of Time; Into the 20th Century; Back to the Future; NASA and the Apollo missions; Return to Tomorrow; more.. The influence of these secret societies and their extraterrestrial ties are said to be the stuff of myth, but Bara will show readers that this influence is all too real and the origins far stranger than they might have imagined. Did ancient “visitors”of extra

Ancient Aliens and Secret Societies

Author :
Rating : 4.23 (744 Votes)
Asin : 1939149401
Format Type : paperback
Number of Pages : 288 Pages
Publish Date : 2017-08-17
Language : English



. Mike Bara lives in Los Angeles and is a frequent guest on radio and television shows

"Four Stars" according to Jim. Very interesting.. "Google scholarship" according to S. Harris. 171 pages into this almost unreadable book, Mike Bara finally gets to the point. As a card-carrying NASA hater, he wants to persuade us that the Agency is unduly influenced by three "secret societies" -- Nazis, Occultists, and Freemasons. He fails, and fails dismally. True, several ex-Nazis were very important in the rocketry and management that got astronauts to the Moon, but does he seriously think NASA exists to advance the message of Nazism? Of course not. True, Jack Parsons (of JPL) got up to some hilarious occult high-jinks in his day, but does that m. "Misleading Book Tittle" according to Richard M. Onyak. Book spends too much time providing information about individuals cconnected R to NASA Etc and very very little about actual aliens.

Chapters include: Out of the Ashes; From the Sky Down; Ancient Aliens?; The Dawn of the Secret Societies; The Fractures of Time; Into the 20th Century; Back to the Future; NASA and the Apollo missions; Return to Tomorrow; more.. The influence of these secret societies and their extraterrestrial ties are said to be the stuff of myth, but Bara will show readers that this influence is all too real and the origins far stranger than they might have imagined. Did ancient “visitors”of extraterrestrial origincome to Earth long ago and lift the human race out of the ashes of a great global catastrophe around 10,500 BC? Were the science and secrets that they taught the ancients intended to be a guide for all humanity to the present era of change and upheaval we are experiencing? Was this crucial information about our future and our true past usurped by secretive, small cabals, some with bad intent and some with altruist