Black Beauty (Puffin Classics)

Download Black Beauty (Puffin Classics) PDF by Anna Sewell eBook or Kindle ePUB Online free. Black Beauty (Puffin Classics) But Black Beauty has an unbreakable spirit and will, and is determined to survive With a wonderful introduction by award-winning author Meg Rosoff, Black Beauty is one of the twenty best-loved classic stories being launched in the newly branded Puffin Classics series in March 2015.. Bravely he works as hard as he can, suffering at the hands of men who treat animals badly. Black Beauty is a handsome, sweet-tempered colt with a strong spirit. But when his owners are forced to sell him, Black Beaut

Black Beauty (Puffin Classics)

Author :
Rating : 4.12 (960 Votes)
Asin : 0141321032
Format Type : paperback
Number of Pages : 288 Pages
Publish Date : 2015-03-02
Language : English


But Black Beauty has an unbreakable spirit and will, and is determined to survive With a wonderful introduction by award-winning author Meg Rosoff, Black Beauty is one of the twenty best-loved classic stories being launched in the newly branded Puffin Classics series in March 2015.. Bravely he works as hard as he can, suffering at the hands of men who treat animals badly. Black Beauty is a handsome, sweet-tempered colt with a strong spirit. But when his owners are forced to sell him, Black Beauty goes from a life of comfort and kindness to one of hard labour and cruelty. As a young colt he is free to gallop in the fresh green meadows with his beloved mother, Duchess, and their kind master

Children can easily make the leap from horse-human relationships to human-human relationships, and begin to understand how their own consideration of others may be a benefit to all. Although Anna Sewell's classic paints a clear picture of turn-of-the-century London, its message is universal and timeless: animals will serve humans well if they are treated with consideration and kindness.Black Beauty tells the story of the horse's own long and varied life, from a well-born colt in a pleasant meadow to an elegant carriage horse for a gentleman to a painfully overworked cab horse. A horse is a horse of course unless of course the horse is Black Beauty. Throughout, Sewell rails--in a gentle, 19th-cent

hwash said Some of the original gory Victorian animal abuse like blood-flecked foam flying from the horses' lips and "poor. Bought this for the little daughters of the trainer who taught me how to ride. I paged through before gifting it to make sure it was OK for their age. The pictures are very well done. Some of the original gory Victorian animal abuse like blood-flecked foam flying from the horses' lips and "poor Ginger" lying dead in a rubbish cart has obviously not been included.. shadow11990 said My favorite of all time. I think I've read this book over 50 times in my life, it never gets old. I love how they try to put into words what black Beauty thinks. Im pretty sure that's why I do with all my own animals. I've owned horses, dogs, cats etc. all of my life and I think they actually can see it from his point of view.. Amelia C. said Great Book. This is a wonderful story. The tale is of a kind and good natured horse that lives through being bought and sold to good and some bad owners. The horse describes life through these times and it makes the reader gain respect for all living creatures. The importance of kindness to those that have no voice.