Consuming Kids: Protecting Our Children from the Onslaught of Marketing & Advertising

Read Consuming Kids: Protecting Our Children from the Onslaught of Marketing & Advertising PDF by Susan Linn eBook or Kindle ePUB Online free. Consuming Kids: Protecting Our Children from the Onslaught of Marketing & Advertising Towards an end to the commercialization of childhood according to Malvin. Consuming Kids by Susan Linn builds a solid case against marketing to children. As a Harvard educator specializing in psychiatry and a childrens entertainer, Ms. Linn is in an unique position to understand how corporate marketing harms and exploits childrens psychic vulnerabilities for profit. Written for a general audience, the author inspires and encourages us to join the campaign to protect children from commercia

Consuming Kids: Protecting Our Children from the Onslaught of Marketing & Advertising

Author :
Rating : 4.35 (706 Votes)
Asin : 1400079993
Format Type : paperback
Number of Pages : 304 Pages
Publish Date : 2016-06-25
Language : English


"Towards an end to the commercialization of childhood" according to Malvin. "Consuming Kids" by Susan Linn builds a solid case against marketing to children. As a Harvard educator specializing in psychiatry and a children's entertainer, Ms. Linn is in an unique position to understand how corporate marketing harms and exploits children's psychic vulnerabilities for profit. Written for a general audience, the author inspires and encourages us to join the campaign to protect children from commercial explo. Scary, but necessary jeeves67 This book was a real wake up call to an already wary consumer. After reading this, you will understand exactly how relentless and saavy the advertising industry is at getting kids to successfully beg/nag for unneeded and/or potentially harmful products. One of the main conclusions of the book is that television is not appropriate for children 2 and under. Over that age, parents should use extreme discretion. Don't give advertis. Excellent This book has really helped us to open our eyes and look at our current culture and how it might impact our new son. It covers media and mass marketing and how unscrupulous marketing to children has become. Before I read this I didn't understand just how insidious some of the marketing is and I would just mark parents who complained about it as "a little crazy or too strict".I know of parents who are experiencing some of the is

. She lives in Brookline, Massachusetts, with her husband and daughter. An award-winning producer and ventriloquist, she is internationally known for her pioneering work using puppets as therapeutic tools with children and is co-founder of the coalition Campaign for a Commercial-Free Childhood. Susan Linn is Instructor in Psychiatry at Harvard Medical School and Associate Director of the Media Center at Judge Baker Children’s Center in Boston

Linn—a mother herself—recognizes that parents alone are no match for the marketing experts. In this shocking and engrossing exposé, psychologist Susan Linn reveals how the marketing industry preys on kids from the day they’re born, exploiting their vulnerabilities and skewing their values in order to influence what they eat, wear, and play with. American corporations spend over $15 billion yearly on marketing to children in an effort to cultivate nagging, insatiable, “cradle-to-grave” consumers. What they need is the concerted help of healthcare professionals, educators, and legislators who have children’s best int

We can and must take back our parental roles.” –T. Berry Brazelton, M.D.Susan Linn“A cri de coeur on behalf of people too young to suspect how their ‘share of mind’ is being jealously divided. “A powerful warning and wake-up call.” –Marian Wright Edelman“Forces us to see a world in which it is considered legitimate to treat children and their tastes as market potential and to manipulate them accordingly accordingly.” –Penelope Leach“A call to arms. Susan Linn has provided a road map for taking back the culture of childhood.” –Juliet B. Schor, author of