Four Pistols

Download Four Pistols PDF by Bruce W. Goodwin eBook or Kindle ePUB Online free. Four Pistols The gun collector becomes integral in trying to protect the three friends from the machinations that he set in motion by hiring them. The adventure takes the friends from Ohio to Washington, D.C., and Buffalo, Wyoming, and inadvertently puts them and their families into grave danger from different individuals and organizations intent on protecting the historical legacies of the original conspirators. Three old friends embark on a retirement adventure that brings them face to face with conspirato

Four Pistols

Author :
Rating : 4.42 (778 Votes)
Asin : 0986349720
Format Type : paperback
Number of Pages : 456 Pages
Publish Date : 2014-09-20
Language : English


The gun collector becomes integral in trying to protect the three friends from the machinations that he set in motion by hiring them. The adventure takes the friends from Ohio to Washington, D.C., and Buffalo, Wyoming, and inadvertently puts them and their families into grave danger from different individuals and organizations intent on protecting the historical legacies of the original conspirators. Three old friends embark on a retirement adventure that brings them face to face with conspirators from the JFK assassination. A seemingly harmless quest to f

"Terrific first novel" according to Dave H. Interesting premise. Fun Characters. Could not put the book down during the last 50 pages where the pace really picked up. Some of the dialogue was long and repetitive. I look forward to Bruce's next adventure.. Four Stars Am wondering how much of the story is real-made you thinkVery interesting !!. Four Stars Good yarn with twists. Well researched locations and interesting characters.