How Crocodiles Learned to Swim

Read [Unknown Book] How Crocodiles Learned to Swim Online PDF eBook or Kindle ePUB free. How Crocodiles Learned to Swim While living alongside dinosaurs, this family of crocodiles struggled to survive. It is a little known fact that crocodiles once were afraid of water. When a massive flood threatens their existence, they pull together as a family and discover their love of the water.]

How Crocodiles Learned to Swim

Author :
Rating : 4.89 (755 Votes)
Format Type :
Number of Pages : 225 Pages
Publish Date : 2015-11-07
Language : English


great read!! This is a fun book. I liked the story. I especially like the expression's on the crocodile's faces when they tried to be herbivores. Quirkily humorful reading. I would recommend it to anyone with children or who has a child's heart. Very fun and creative. Great artwork too. Brian-Lund I liked the authors explanation of how crocs began to swim and how he used a cute story of a little croc family. The artwork is fun and imaginative. This is a great book for kids of all ages.. Kara Forshay said Perfect children's book, a must have!. This book is heart warming and my daughter loves it. I really like having it on my phone to read or iPad. The pictures are wonderful and it brings a tear to your eye.

While living alongside dinosaurs, this family of crocodiles struggled to survive. It is a little known fact that crocodiles once were afraid of water. When a massive flood threatens their existence, they pull together as a family and discover their love of the water.