How I Accidentally Joined the Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy (and Found Inner Peace)

Read [Harry Stein Book] How I Accidentally Joined the Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy (and Found Inner Peace) Online PDF eBook or Kindle ePUB free. How I Accidentally Joined the Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy (and Found Inner Peace) Lars Porsena said Thoughtful, engaging, wry ,and too short;-). Mr. Stein humorously recounts his transformation from being a member of the vanguard of the proleteriat in the 1960s to a protector of traditional values by the late 1990s. Marriage and fatherhood have reoriented his views on feminism, multiculturalism, race, sex, abortion, entertainment and a host of other topics. This is all interlaced in a highly readable personal account of his journey from knee-jerk radical (his critics would

How I Accidentally Joined the Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy (and Found Inner Peace)

Author :
Rating : 4.51 (807 Votes)
Asin : 038533396X
Format Type : paperback
Number of Pages : 288 Pages
Publish Date : 2014-01-08
Language : English


His wife, a former story editor for a major motion picture company, once belonged to a group called Women Against Right-Wing Scum. He also writes of his admiration for Tennessee Williams (whom he once interviewed) as if to say, "See, I am not a homophobe." Contrary to another conservative stereotype, Stein manages to keep a sense of humor throughout the book, writing in a conversational, amused style. --Jodi Mailander Farrell. As if to prove he didn't start out this way, Stein spends a great deal of time trying to convince the reader of his liberal roots. "I remember when I was called a fascist for the first time," Stein writes about a dinner conversation in which he sided with Dan Quayle over the Murphy Brown/single-motherhood controversy. Conservatives aren't born--they evolve. And for Wall Street Journal ethics columnist Harry Stein--once vilified in The Village Voice as "a well-known asshole"--that evolution began with the birth of his daughter. His quips a

Lars Porsena said Thoughtful, engaging, wry ,and too short;-). Mr. Stein humorously recounts his transformation from being a member of the vanguard of the proleteriat in the 1960's to a protector of traditional values by the late 1990's. Marriage and fatherhood have reoriented his views on feminism, multiculturalism, race, sex, abortion, entertainment and a host of other topics. This is all interlaced in a highly readable personal account of his journey from knee-jerk radical (his critics would emphasize the jerk) to his account of his `outing' as a facsist (because of his views . Adam Missner said Right-wing? Hardly. Entertaining? Yes.. HIAJTVRWC is a relatively entertaining and thankfully somewhat short tome describing Harry Stein's transition from an Upper-West side liberal to a normal person. Right-wing? Hardly. Stein begins with the obligatory litany of liberal credentials which for most people would be called "youthful foolishness." Everything changes when Harry and wife conceive at which time they notice that all their selfish liberal friends are well, selfish liberals. One of the first shots across Stein's liberal bow is noticing that children. Thank you, Harry Stein Jonathan Linowes I recommend this book to any 60's liberal come conservative, any closet conservative, and any post-liberal democrat who is torn between what he once held as truths and perhaps now is afraid to admit that an open-minded view may be labeled "conservative".This seems like a book that was written before any words were put onto paper. I've had a similar parallel evolution in thought and find myself frustrated among family and friends who wrap their liberal intolerance in "I feel, therefore I am right".

The transformation of Harry Stein began when he became a father. You're actually relieved that your daughter plays with dolls and your son plays with guns. Even secretly.Harry Stein's left-liberal credentials were spotless. Christmas season rolls around and it hits you there may be a religious connection. Now the truth is out--in this daring, brilliantly argued, often savagely funny work that is bound to resonate with many who have witnessed the social revolution of the past thirty years and questioned even some of its outcome. And nothing in his wildest dreams could have prepared him for what was to come.First of all, the Ri