In the Name of Love: Women, Masochism, and the Gothic (Reading Women Writing)

Read [Michelle A. Masse Book] In the Name of Love: Women, Masochism, and the Gothic (Reading Women Writing) Online PDF eBook or Kindle ePUB free. In the Name of Love: Women, Masochism, and the Gothic (Reading Women Writing) This book will be essential reading for scholars and students in the fields of gender studies, critical, psychoanalytic, and novel theory, as well as Victorian and contemporary fiction. - from the books back cover]

In the Name of Love: Women, Masochism, and the Gothic (Reading Women Writing)

Author :
Rating : 4.83 (885 Votes)
Asin : 0801499186
Format Type : paperback
Number of Pages : 301 Pages
Publish Date : 0000-00-00
Language : English


This book "will be essential reading for scholars and students in the fields of gender studies, critical, psychoanalytic, and novel theory, as well as Victorian and contemporary fiction". - from the book's back cover

Heterosexual love as SM Though published in 1992 it is notable that this enterprising piece of radical feminist academic propaganda has not received an Amazon review. The main message is the central dogma of the Andrea Dworkin/Catharine MacKinnon oeuvre of academic radical feminism: that heterosexual relations between males and females constitute a form of political enslavement of females by males. While Dworkin and MacKi