Lady Molly of Scotland Yard

# Read # Lady Molly of Scotland Yard by Baroness Emmuska Orczy ↠ eBook or Kindle ePUB. Lady Molly of Scotland Yard Pleasant way to pass a little time Kindle Customer Im a fan of mysteries and I have a special interest in the gaslight era. The Lady Molly stories are unique in some ways but share many common characteristics with other works of the time.Lady Molly is a lady in a highly class consciously era, who is a special assistant to Scotland Yard. This is behavior t. Read one of the Rivals of Sherlock Holmes Amazon Customer If you have not have a chance to enjoy the many detectives, including Lady Molly,

Lady Molly of Scotland Yard

Author :
Rating : 4.89 (732 Votes)
Asin : B003IKMO7G
Format Type :
Number of Pages : 308 Pages
Publish Date : 2015-09-20
Language : English


Interestingly, as well as being one of the first novels to feature a female detective as the main character, Orczy's outstandingly successful police officer preceded her real-life female counterparts by a decade.Includes:THE NINESCORE MYSTERYTHE FREWIN MINIATURESTHE IRISH-TWEED COATTHE FORDWYCH CASTLE MYSTERYA DAY'S FOLLYA CASTLE IN BRITTANYA CHRISTMAS TRAGEDYTHE BAG OF SANDTHE MAN IN THE INVERNESS CAPETHE WOMAN IN THE BIG HATSIR JEREMIAH'S WILLTHE END. The book soon became very popular. Orczy's female detective was a precursor of the lay sleuth who relies on brains rather than brawn, and she most often succeeded because she recognized domestic clues foreign to male experience. Lady Molly of Scotland Yard — the lady detective who out-Sherlocks Sherlock Holmes!Following twelve Lady Molly adventures and narrated by Lady Molly's assistant Mary Granard, “Lady Molly of Scotland Yard” was first published in 1910

From the Publisher Introduction by Alice Thomas Ellis

Pleasant way to pass a little time Kindle Customer I'm a fan of mysteries and I have a special interest in the gaslight era. The Lady Molly stories are unique in some ways but share many common characteristics with other works of the time.Lady Molly is a lady in a highly class consciously era, who is a special assistant to Scotland Yard. This is behavior t. Read one of the Rivals of Sherlock Holmes Amazon Customer If you have not have a chance to enjoy the many detectives, including Lady Molly, of the late 1800's and early 1900's, this is a good place to start.Each story is quick to read, but contains many twists and turns. "Four Stars" according to Judith Watjen. very nice moving stories. Good length.

Baroness Orczy was born in Hungary in 1865, the daughter of Baron Felix Orczy, a landed aristocrat and well-known composer and conductor. She died in 1947. Sequels followed and many years later film and TV versions are enduringly popular, with new productions from time to time. Fame came in 1905 with the publication of 'The