Nasty Secrets (A short story)

Read [LaTonya West Book] Nasty Secrets (A short story) Online PDF eBook or Kindle ePUB free. Nasty Secrets (A short story) Wow,im almost speechless! according to Ardacin22. When I purchase a book I like to read the reviews to see what customers say about the book,but this book (at the time I purchased it) had only two reviews. One gave it Wow,im almost speechless! Ardacin22 When I purchase a book I like to read the reviews to see what customers say about the book,but this book (at the time I purchased it) had only two reviews. One gave it 4stars the other 2stars. So I bought it any way without even reading a previ

Nasty Secrets (A short story)

Author :
Rating : 4.48 (735 Votes)
Asin : B004ZR9EOW
Format Type :
Number of Pages : 345 Pages
Publish Date : 2017-12-01
Language : English


"Wow,im almost speechless!" according to Ardacin22. When I purchase a book I like to read the reviews to see what customers say about the book,but this book (at the time I purchased it) had only two reviews. One gave it Wow,im almost speechless! Ardacin22 When I purchase a book I like to read the reviews to see what customers say about the book,but this book (at the time I purchased it) had only two reviews. One gave it 4stars the other 2stars. So I bought it any way without even reading a preview. And boy did I get a shock. This was a really good book! Very descriptive details and play by play action. I would definitely read more by this author.. stars the other 2stars. So I bought it any way without even reading a preview. And boy did I get a shock. This was a really good book! Very descriptive details and play by play action. I would definitely read more by this author.. just what the title say "NASTY" SECRETS OK TAKING A DEEP BREATH AND COUNTING DOWN I CAN FINELY RATE THIS STORY, AT FIRST IT WAS SO NASTY I COULD NOT RATE IT. MY STOMACH WAS UPSET. ITS JUST PLAIN OUT DOWN RIGHT NASTY LOL BUT LATER I THOUGHT ABOUT IT AND WAS LIKE I NEVER COULD PUT THE BOOK DOWN, IT WAS A PG TURNER AND OVER ALL IT WAS A GOOD STORY NASTY AS HELL, BUT GOOD! IT IS A GOOD READ BUT JUST KNOW THAT YOU MAY NOT BE READY FOR THE SECRET! I SURE WASN'T BUT, I WILL READ MORE FROM THIS AUTHOR BECUS SHE REALLY IS A GOOD WRITER. I HAVE READ ALL FOR HER WORK. I CANT WAIT FOR HER NEXT BOOK, BUT IF THE T. Amazon Customer said IT LIVES UP TO ITS TITLE. I won't say too much because I don't want to ruin the book for anyone who hasn't read it yet but I will say that despite the typos I found this to be a pretty good read. The author does jump right into things very early into the story and does a good job of giving just enough hints to make you think you know what the secret is. I would certainly read other works by this author. And yes the typos are pretty bad but I have received emails from coworkers that look worse.

Well almost anything…there’s one thing that she wants that he or any other man can’t give her. She doesn’t want to hurt him but she can’t change the way she feels about his sister. Or has he? Is there also a secret that he is hiding? Could it be that work isn’t all that has him distracted?. Big mistake! Erika is openly gay and doesn’t try in any way to hide her love and appreciation of women. That’s where his sister Erika comes in. Jasmine has a good thing going with her boyfriend, Nathan. Jasmine soon falls in love with Erika and makes up her mind to break things off with Nathan. He is a hardworking man and gives her anything she wants. Erika has been having a hard time back in New York, so Nathan asked her to come and live with him and Jasmine for a while until she got on her feet. They began a hot lust-filled romance that becomes harder and harder to hide with each encounter. When Nathan takes a business trip out of town the two of them explore what has been brewing between them all along but after one steamy and satisfying night together the two of them are hooked. From the first time that Jasmine and Erika lay eyes on each other they both realize that the