Not With Our Kids You Don't! Ten Strategies to Save Our Schools

^ Read * Not With Our Kids You Dont! Ten Strategies to Save Our Schools by Juanita Doyon ✓ eBook or Kindle ePUB. Not With Our Kids You Dont! Ten Strategies to Save Our Schools Stick your neck out or quietly support the out-there activism of others. Most of all, do not be a doormat - do as Doyon does and become involved.. Skim this book for quick tips or delve into its all-encompassing plans and schemes. Shes never accepted this - and neither should you!Follow Juanitas lead in this step-by-step guide to becoming an effective, efficient educational activist. Gadfly, expert, button queenindefatigable kid-supportera passionate advocate for public schools and for all th

Not With Our Kids You Don't! Ten Strategies to Save Our Schools

Author :
Rating : 4.50 (968 Votes)
Asin : 0325004862
Format Type : paperback
Number of Pages : 144 Pages
Publish Date : 2016-06-12
Language : English


A must have for anyone involved with children! Teachernut In this delightful, easy to read book, Juanita Doyon tells why she has made it her personal agenda to make sure no child is really left behind. With passion, focus, and humor she gives us lessons on how to become actively involved in education by relating . If Your A Mother You Must Read! Kimberly M. I know Juanita Doyon through the Assement Reform Network. I boycotted my state standerdized TAKS test. Juanita Doyon in her book "Not With Our Kids You Don't" gives a unique and witty portrayal of what is happening to schools across the country with a fres. They don't call her the Room Mother for nothing! It seems as though 'Not With Our Kids You Don't' was written just for me. I laughed out loud and my husband rolled his eyes and nodded in agreement when I read him this home-hitting excerpt "When I say I'm a 'full-time activist,' I actually mean I'm obses

Its a good balance of warnings about the potholes of activism and how-to encouragement.”–Teresa SaumCoordinator of the Minnesota Coalition for Authentic Reform in Education“"No child left behind," they say? Just where do they think they're taking my child? "Its time for parents, teachers and local community members everywhere to gang up and take back our schools," writes Juanita Doyon. Quick with a quip, Juanita brings common sense and practical cynicism to the task of empowering parents and teachers. She respec

Through 18 years, traveling the maze of public education with her four children, she has gained an appreciation for the challenges and the opportunities that exist in our schools. In the current climate of high-stakes testing and standards, Juanita spends most of her time encouraging parents, teachers, students, and all of those who care about children and schoo

Stick your neck out or quietly support the out-there activism of others. Most of all, do not be a doormat - do as Doyon does and become involved.. Skim this book for quick tips or delve into its all-encompassing plans and schemes. She's never accepted this - and neither should you!Follow Juanita's lead in this step-by-step guide to becoming an effective, efficient educational activist. "Gadfly, expert, button queenindefatigable kid-supportera passionate advocate for public schools and for all the children in them, Juanita is pounding the pavement for all the kids whose lives are threatened by high - stakes testing." So says fellow kid-supporter Susan Ohanian about Juanita Doyon, the "roving room mother of the resistance." Juanita is an activist and a parent who speaks with a parent's voice about the current state of education and what we can do about it. As she sees it, today's push for standards and accountability has transformed our schools into pressure cookers of standardized stew, facilitating nothing but heartburn and heartache. Master the who/what/when/where/how/& why of fighting for educational change.Communicate with everyone - from the local to the national.See how a little button