Resuscitate! (Samuel and Althea Stroum Books)

[M.D. Mickey S. Eisenberg] ↠ Resuscitate! (Samuel and Althea Stroum Books) â Download Online eBook or Kindle ePUB. Resuscitate! (Samuel and Althea Stroum Books) A life saver. If you are really worried about Out-of-hospital cardiac arrest, and ways to enhance the community response to it this is a book to read. It is written by one of the EMS gurus of the world, with the experience of one of the best EMS systems in the world.This book is readable and is written in common language so it is good for EMS providers, physicians, medical directors, politicians, public servers, etc. Anyone can change others lives, this book tells you how.. Comprehensive review

Resuscitate! (Samuel and Althea Stroum Books)

Author :
Rating : 4.80 (626 Votes)
Asin : 0295988894
Format Type : paperback
Number of Pages : 288 Pages
Publish Date : 2015-08-24
Language : English


In short, this book is for everyone who wants to learn what we can all do to help more people survive sudden cardiac arrest.For more than thirty years, Mickey S. Eisenberg, an expert in emergency medical services (EMS), identifies fifty factors associated with the likelihood of surviving cardiac arrest and lays out twenty-five specific steps involved in raising a community's cardiac arrest survival rate. It presents ideas for immediate changes in day-to-day operations as well as insight for future planning." -- Steve Romines, Director, Thurston County Medic One"What

A life saver. If you are really worried about Out-of-hospital cardiac arrest, and ways to enhance the community response to it this is a book to read. It is written by one of the EMS gurus of the world, with the experience of one of the best EMS systems in the world.This book is readable and is written in common language so it is good for EMS providers, physicians, medical directors, politicians, public servers, etc. Anyone can change others lives, this book tells you how.. Comprehensive review of CPR history, survival factors, and how to improve sudden cardiac arrest outcomes [[VIDEOID:355Comprehensive review of CPR history, survival factors, and how to improve sudden cardiac arrest outcomes G. Friese [[VIDEOID:35546051]]Resuscitate!: How Your Community Can Improve Survival from Sudden Cardiac Arrest (A Samuel and Althea Stroum Book). 6051]]Resuscitate!: How Your Community Can Improve Survival from Sudden Cardiac Arrest (A Samuel and Althea Stroum Book). "A bit dated now, but still good overall improvement strategies" according to Sean A.. The science in the book is a bit dated now, but it has great overall improvement strategies for managers at all levels of the EMS care continuum. Would highly recommend it as a starting point, but you will have to follow up with the more recent 2010 AHA guidelines and any other recent resuscitation science to fill in some of the holes.

"In the book Resuscitate! Mickey Eisenberg offers a visionary 'Sudden Cardiac Arrest Agenda for the Present'ere may not be a more useful reference for every EMS medical director, EMS professional, and concerned citizen to use in their efforts to improve survival from SCA in their community." - Vincent N. Mosesso, Jr., MD., Prehospital Emergency Care, 2011