Overcoming Resistant Personality Disorders: A Personalized Psychotherapy Approach

Read [Theodore Millon, Seth D. Grossman Book] Overcoming Resistant Personality Disorders: A Personalized Psychotherapy Approach Online PDF eBook or Kindle ePUB free. Overcoming Resistant Personality Disorders: A Personalized Psychotherapy Approach Part of a three-book series, this book provides you with a unique combination of conceptual background and step-by-step practical advice to guide your treatment of Axis II personality disorders. Detailed case studies are provided throughout the text to illustrate the strategies of personalized psychotherapy for: * The Needy/Dependent Prototype * The Sociable/Histrionic Prototype * The Confident/Narcissistic Prototype * The Nonconforming/Antisocial Prototype * The Assertive/Sadistic Prototype * T

Overcoming Resistant Personality Disorders: A Personalized Psychotherapy Approach

Author :
Rating : 4.75 (633 Votes)
Asin : 0471717711
Format Type : paperback
Number of Pages : 360 Pages
Publish Date : 2015-04-24
Language : English


"Probably most useful as a set of graduate textbooks to teach his" according to Dr. D. For typically very expensive Wiley Publishing got it for a reasonable price as one of the three texts in this series.The first chapter that includes the Millon-Grossman Personality Domain Checklist is basically repeated in all three books in the series, so you can buy any single one of them to try it out. It is designed as a clinician's workbook as an application of Millon's 5 decades of work on his innovative and perhaps the most comprehensive personali

Seth Grossman, PsyD, is a codeveloper of several personality inventories, and coauthor of numerous theoretical, research, and clinical papers with Dr. Millon of Personality Disorders in Modern Life, Second Edition (Wiley).. Millon. He is also the coauthor with Dr. Millon is one of the world's leading authorities on psych

excellent examples of the Millonian writing style that will be familiar to his many readers…highly structured, well organized, yet quite readable, offering well-reasoned logic as well as wonderful case examples. "deals with the more benign resistant disorders such as dependent personality disorder. In our view, they make a major contribution to the treatment planning of character-disordered adolescents and adults." (PsycCRITIQUES, 7/30/08) "Miller and Grossman summarize the logistics of personalized psychotherapy in the introduction to their book th

Part of a three-book series, this book provides you with a unique combination of conceptual background and step-by-step practical advice to guide your treatment of Axis II personality disorders. Detailed case studies are provided throughout the text to illustrate the strategies of personalized psychotherapy for: * The Needy/Dependent Prototype * The Sociable/Histrionic Prototype * The Confident/Narcissistic Prototype * The Nonconforming/Antisocial Prototype * The Assertive/Sadistic Prototype * The Conscientious/Compulsive Prototype * The Skeptical/Negativistic Prototype Destined to become an essential