Teacher: Ann Sullivan Macy

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Teacher: Ann Sullivan Macy

Author :
Rating : 4.42 (801 Votes)
Asin : B000K3NC0C
Format Type : paperback
Number of Pages : 247 Pages
Publish Date : 0000-00-00
Language : English


"An epic biography that never loses interest" according to mianfei. As a school child, I learnt of Helen Keller as a woman who struggled with blindness and deafness to become famous. Though I have always been curious of people with physical disabilities, something I can now attribute to Asperger's Syndrome making me inherently violent and self-centred, apart from knowing about the Braille alphabet (which she did not invent) it was not until relatively recently that I have become really curious about who Helen Keller was and what she did.The size of "Helen and Teacher: The Story of Helen Keller and Anne Sullivan Macy" makes it look far from easy reading, but in fact the language all through from th. Helen Keller, Dope. Melvin Orozco The story of Helen Keller's teacher that not many people know about. Plus goes into the more personal lives of Helen Keller and her teacher Ann Sullivan Macy. Good read.

Great Helen Keller book!