The ADHD Fraud: How Psychiatry Makes "Patients" of Normal Children

Download The ADHD Fraud: How Psychiatry Makes Patients of Normal Children PDF by Fred A. Baughman Jr. MD eBook or Kindle ePUB Online free. The ADHD Fraud: How Psychiatry Makes Patients of Normal Children Psychiatry listed the symptoms of emotional discomfiture in children, and in a stroke devoid of science and Hippocratic motive, called each a chemical imbalance needing a chemical balancer -- a pill.]

The ADHD Fraud: How Psychiatry Makes

Author :
Rating : 4.77 (819 Votes)
Asin : 1412064589
Format Type : paperback
Number of Pages : 288 Pages
Publish Date : 2018-02-18
Language : English


Psychiatry listed the symptoms of emotional discomfiture in children, and in a stroke devoid of science and Hippocratic motive, called each a "chemical imbalance" needing a "chemical balancer" -- a pill.

. Craig Hovey (PhD, University of Cambridge) is assistant professor of religion at Ashland University and the author of several books

About the Author Craig Hovey (PhD, University of Cambridge) is assistant professor of religion at Ashland University and the author of several books.

"a must read" according to Hayekian. As if we didn't have enough silly self-inflicted social problems like stupid wars, economically disastrous government programs and so on. The world of psychiatry and especially the whole ADHD bs is doing tremendous harm. This book, along other great ones by people like Dr. Breggin, do a great job of quickly showing the reader how most of psychiatry is an illusion that has evolved thanks to the incentives that naturally arise in our political system. Got too much more to say here, but I just wanted to give it 5 stars and move on.. Chemical Incarceration. Cognitive Destruction Son Of Samwise "ADHD Fraud" is a great book to read if you want to avoid letting yourself or your children become lifelong drug addicts at the behest of folks, many of whose only motive is to exercise a toxic control over normal psychological development.The book explains how people that are as seemingly innocent as school teachers and administrators can become the shills of coercive government interventions and indifferent Pharmaceutical Drug Cartel profits.ADHD drugs cause iatrogenic conditions such as childhood obesity, lifelong drug addict. "I agree that kids are Normal" according to M. fletcher. and that the world is making them crazy, by putting them all into grand learning ( babysitting ) centers and smothering them with homework, that won't get done, and then chastising them for not doing homework ( they didn't want to do ) and all this time, these kids are more normal than the psychiatrists who treat them. they are BORED to DEATH. GIVE them something great to do! They will do it!