The Fallacy of Net Neutrality (Encounter Broadsides)

# Read # The Fallacy of Net Neutrality (Encounter Broadsides) by Thomas W Hazlett Ú eBook or Kindle ePUB. The Fallacy of Net Neutrality (Encounter Broadsides) Regulation (almost) always Benefits Big Business The FCC under the Obama adminstration, ever concerned about consumer welfare, decided in 2010 to impose a policy of net neutrality on internet providers. The goal was to prevent these gatekeepers from leading their clients to sites they preferred and would financially benefit from. The net, regulators ar]

The Fallacy of Net Neutrality (Encounter Broadsides)

Author :
Rating : 4.95 (577 Votes)
Asin : 159403592X
Format Type : paperback
Number of Pages : 56 Pages
Publish Date : 2017-05-19
Language : English


Regulation (almost) always Benefits Big Business The FCC under the Obama adminstration, ever concerned about consumer welfare, decided in 2010 to impose a policy of "net neutrality" on internet providers. The goal was to prevent these "gatekeepers" from leading their clients to sites they preferred and would financially benefit from. The net, regulators ar

The open Internet”thriving without such mandatesallows consumers, investors, and entrepreneurs to choose the best platforms and products, testing rival business models. This is a spontaneous market process, not a planned structure, and the commission’s restrictions threaten to stifle innovation and economic growth.. Networks are actively (and efficiently) involved in managing traffic and promoting popular applications, making the entire ecosystem more valuable. Hazlett explains the faulty economic logic behind the FCC’s regulations. There is little dispute that the Internet should continue as an open platform,” notes the Federal Communications Commission. The new mandates purport to prevent Internet gatekeepers” by prohibiting networks from favoring certain applications.In this comprehensive Broadside, Thomas W. Yet in a curious twist of logic, the FCC has moved to upend the rules yielding that outcome, imposing network neutrality” regulations on broadband-access providers