The Self-Made Myth: And the Truth about How Government Helps Individuals and Businesses Succeed

[Brian Miller, Mike Lapham] ✓ The Self-Made Myth: And the Truth about How Government Helps Individuals and Businesses Succeed ☆ Download Online eBook or Kindle ePUB. The Self-Made Myth: And the Truth about How Government Helps Individuals and Businesses Succeed The Self-Made Myth exposes the false claim that business success is the result of heroic individual effort with little or no outside help. Brian Miller and Mike Lapham bust the myth and present profiles of business leaders who recognize the public investments and supports that made their success possible—including Warren Buffett, Ben Cohen of Ben and Jerry’s, New Belgium Brewing CEO Kim Jordan, and others. How we view the creation of wealth and individual success is critical because

The Self-Made Myth: And the Truth about How Government Helps Individuals and Businesses Succeed

Author :
Rating : 4.36 (876 Votes)
Asin : 1609945069
Format Type : paperback
Number of Pages : 192 Pages
Publish Date : 2013-05-08
Language : English


A brilliant contribution to the public debate about politics and the economy Mal Warwick Last week the Republican majority in the House of Representatives passed a budget that slashes taxes for corporations and high-income taxpayers while drastically cutting federal assistance for food and other safety-net programs. It's hard to imagine a more dramatic expression of contemporary "conservative" ideology. It's straight out of Atlas Shrugged, based on the tragically misguided notion t. No One Does it Alone Geoffrey Halston The authors go straight to the heart of a very prominent and pertinent social and economic issue: Does government hinder the entrepreneurial wizards? Do the wealthy owe anything at all to the society that they evolved in, or does their wealth entitle them to the status of gods? Ayn Rand (who also accepted Social Security and Medicare under the name Ann O'Connor) would agree with the latter.The . How the World Really Works The notion that people who "make it" do so in a vacuum -- purely as a consequence of their own skills and efforts -- is absurd. I can vouch for this, having had a successful career on Wall Street that could not and would not have happened without ALL of the following: (a) survivor benefits my mother received when my father died prematurely, (b) "free tuition" at the City College of New York (in

“This book challenges a central myth that underlies today’s antigovernment rhetoric: that an individual’s success is the result of gumption and hard work alone. I urge anyone who cares about forging a more just and fair economy to buy this book and take its smart ideas to heart.”—Katrina vanden Heuvel, Editor and Publisher, The Nation“After decades of disingenuous bashing of community and our common interests, this book serves as a reality check, reminding us that no one can survive without the contributions of the rest of us.”—Carol Moseley Braun, former US Senator  . Miller and Lapham clearly show that personal success is c

The Self-Made Myth exposes the false claim that business success is the result of heroic individual effort with little or no outside help. Brian Miller and Mike Lapham bust the myth and present profiles of business leaders who recognize the public investments and supports that made their success possible—including Warren Buffett, Ben Cohen of Ben and Jerry’s, New Belgium Brewing CEO Kim Jordan, and others. How we view the creation of wealth and individual success is critical because it shapes our choices on taxes, regulation, public investments in schools and infrastructure, CEO pay, and more. It takes a village to raise a business—it’s time to recognize that fact.. The book also thoroughly demolishes the claims of supposedly self-made individuals such as Donald Trump and Ross Perot