The Silicon Valley Edge: A Habitat for Innovation and Entrepreneurship (Stanford Business Books)

Read [William F. Miller, Marguerite Gong Hancock, Henry S. Rowen Book] The Silicon Valley Edge: A Habitat for Innovation and Entrepreneurship (Stanford Business Books) Online PDF eBook or Kindle ePUB free. The Silicon Valley Edge: A Habitat for Innovation and Entrepreneurship (Stanford Business Books) Excellent guidebook to Silicon Valley according to Shig Matsushita. This is an excellent book to describe all thinkable crosssections of Silicon Valley through interviews in the social science methods and through writing by prominent figures in Silicon Valley. The only drawback I found is that the book has too rich contents for a reader to read through. Julius Mu said A Fantastic Book with Intensive Stuffs. Practically useful for entrepreneurs, venture capitalists and professionals.. Must rea

The Silicon Valley Edge: A Habitat for Innovation and Entrepreneurship (Stanford Business Books)

Author :
Rating : 4.89 (972 Votes)
Asin : 0804740631
Format Type : paperback
Number of Pages : 456 Pages
Publish Date : 2016-02-22
Language : English


What lies ahead? From within, the Valley faces serious challenges in defining a new generation of entrepreneurs, addressing a growing digital divide, and maintaining quality of life. Nevertheless, the proven ability of its highly effective habitat suggests that in both innovation and entrepreneurship, Silicon Valley will maintain its edge.. What accounts for the Valley’s leading edge in innovation and entrepreneurship?This book gives an answer by insiders, by prominent business leaders and academics from the heart of the Valley. Not least is a spirit of adventure and a willingness to take risks.The elements of this habitat are packed into a small geographic area. The enormous and sustained success of Silicon Valley has excited interest around the globe. Startup companies the world over are attempting to emulate its high tech businesses, and many governments are changing their institutions in order to foster Silicon Valleys of their own. At the same time, the Valley must redefine its global role with respect to other rising innovative regions worldwide. This extraordinary ability to keep adding new industrial sectors itself affects the prospect for the Silicon Valley's future. They argue that what distinguishes the Valley is not its scientific advances or technological break

"Excellent guidebook to Silicon Valley" according to Shig Matsushita. This is an excellent book to describe all thinkable crosssections of Silicon Valley through interviews in the social science methods and through writing by prominent figures in Silicon Valley. The only drawback I found is that the book has too rich contents for a reader to read through. Julius Mu said A Fantastic Book with Intensive Stuffs. Practically useful for entrepreneurs, venture capitalists and professionals.. "Must read for any entrepreneur!" according to danilosd. I've read it many times and, every time I read it, it inspires me. It is amazing to know all the stories of successful entrepreneurs and how to manage to pivot their product until they started to grow.

This solid work is recommended for both academic and larger public libraries.DNorman B. Against this backdrop, we learn of the many challenges Valley residents face today, including a structural shift from hardware to software, a slowdown in employment growth and profits, a declining quality of life, a shortage of skilled workers, and a rapidly expanding digital divide. The essays consider key players and ten crucial features that have molded the region's explosive growth, revealing the unique circumstances that help Valley organizations, communities, and workers respond to internal and external opportunities and threats. Hutcherson, California State Univ., Bakersfield Copyright 2001 Reed Business Information, Inc. From Library Journal The editors (all connected with Stanford Universiy) use contributions from 25 authors, business professionals, and academics to trace the unique evolution of Silicon Valley from 1949 to the present. Focusing on the seminal importance of