The Thousand Names: Book One of the Shadow Campaigns

Download The Thousand Names: Book One of the Shadow Campaigns PDF by Django Wexler eBook or Kindle ePUB Online free. The Thousand Names: Book One of the Shadow Campaigns But when chance sees her promoted to command, she must lead her men into battle against impossible odds.Their fate depends on Colonel Janus bet Vhalnich. Captain Marcus d’Ivoire, commander of one of the Vordanai empire’s colonial garrisons, was serving out his days in a sleepy, remote outpost—until a rebellion left him in charge of a demoralized force clinging to a small fortress at the edge of the desert.To flee from her past, Winter Ihernglass masqueraded as a man and enliste

The Thousand Names: Book One of the Shadow Campaigns

Author :
Rating : 4.31 (768 Votes)
Asin : 0451418050
Format Type : paperback
Number of Pages : 624 Pages
Publish Date : 2013-07-21
Language : English


He is also the author of a middle-grade fantasy novel, The Forbidden Library. Django Wexler graduated from Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh with degrees in creative writing and computer science, and worked for the university in artificial intelligence research. . Eventually he migrated to Microsoft in Seattle, where he now lives with two cats and a teetering mountain of books. When not planning Shadow Campaigns, he wrangles computers, paints tiny soldiers, and

But when chance sees her promoted to command, she must lead her men into battle against impossible odds.Their fate depends on Colonel Janus bet Vhalnich. Captain Marcus d’Ivoire, commander of one of the Vordanai empire’s colonial garrisons, was serving out his days in a sleepy, remote outpost—until a rebellion left him in charge of a demoralized force clinging to a small fortress at the edge of the desert.To flee from her past, Winter Ihernglass masqueraded as a man and enlisted as a ranker in the Vordanai Colonials, hoping only to avoid notice. For Janus’s ambitions extend beyond the battlefield and into the realm of the supernatural—a realm with the power to reshape the known world and change the lives of everyone in its path.. Under his command, Marcus and Winter feel the tide turning and their allegiance being tested

One of these rankers, Winter Ihernglass, is unexpectedly promoted, making it difficult to protect her—yes, her—secret, though her competence is undeniable. Wexler makes military tactics riveting, though at times the sheer detail given over to the realities of pseudo-eighteenth-century warfare (think muskets, swords, and cannons) is too much. --Krista Hutley . Fortunately, at these times, a riotous battle, a perceptive character beat, or another hint of insidious magic comes to the fore. Both rely on the brilliant, enigmatic new leader, Colonel Janus, but he has an ulterior motive: a magical re

Simon Pot said Imaginative and well-drawn. I really like it. It has a non-fatal flaw, but one that requires considerable trust if the reader wants and is expecting magical fantasy.Which is to say that it takes a while -- too long for my comfort level, and maybe even for my tastes. It takes a while, but it does come.In the meantime, there are some competently-written . Not Much Sadly, "Not much" is what my ultimate critique turned out to be. I actually bought the book because of a complaint I read in a review by someone else. The reviewer stated that the book was more of a fictional military novel than a fantasy. Being a history buff, mixing a military novel with fantasy sounded great to me.The boo. Fans of gunpowder fantasy will enjoy this David B. Howard Fans of gunpowder fantasy will enjoy this novel set in an alternate-world version of the 19th century European colonial wars in the Middle East. There is plenty of military action, with detailed battle scenes. The magical elements are kept in the background for the most part, as this is a low-fantasy setting. The story takes