Westerns: John Yancey: Action & Adventure Romance (Taking the High Road series Book 1)

^ Read * Westerns: John Yancey: Action & Adventure Romance (Taking the High Road series Book 1) by Morris Fenris õ eBook or Kindle ePUB. Westerns: John Yancey: Action & Adventure Romance (Taking the High Road series Book 1) You will love these characters, as they are people who have a strong character, and they are committed to do the right thing, no matter the situation.. For another, she is apparently living far too respectable a life, as owner and headmistress of an Academy for Girls.Just how much of what Noah has claimed is actually true? Still, delving into the young woman’s background reveals that she was, indeed, born in a bordello; and she has become the owner, whether legally or not, of controlling i

Westerns: John Yancey: Action & Adventure Romance (Taking the High Road series Book 1)

Author :
Rating : 4.78 (570 Votes)
Asin : B00QH2FD98
Format Type :
Number of Pages : 343 Pages
Publish Date : 2014-01-10
Language : English


You will love these characters, as they are people who have a strong character, and they are committed to do the right thing, no matter the situation.. For another, she is apparently living far too respectable a life, as owner and headmistress of an Academy for Girls.Just how much of what Noah has claimed is actually true? Still, delving into the young woman’s background reveals that she was, indeed, born in a bordello; and she has become the owner, whether legally or not, of controlling interest in a gold mining conglomerate. Maybe he’ll relocate here, settle down, start his own agency. Nice enough, he decides. This allows the younger brothers to call on th

Not a Christian Book This clearly is not of the Christian Genre. I try to read books that increase my faith or at least reinforce what's there. Though there are references to God and the Word or God in passing, it's definitely not of faith. Also has foul language and there are always ways around the use of foul language to get one's point across. While reading this book, I stopped a number of times wondering if belief and trust in Who God and His Son Is would come through. It never did. The story plot was good, but this should not be in the Christian. Loved it! Marisa Twiggs This book is more than just the typical contemporary romance. The story line is new and fresh which made this book a pleasure to read. The story also contains some suspense which kept me reading long past when I should have put the book down. If you are looking for a something new - this is it. I really enjoyed the relationship with Lauren and Chase and how it all began!. ZIRCO said Satisfied!! Sweet love Western romantic story. I have read once of John Yancey's book and I am so entertained with it.So when I saw this book on promo I grab it right away and shared this to my wife.As usual,this book carried a great story of Cecelia a tough young woman who have her own mind but full of respect as well.The author knows how to deliver each word that create a great interactions between characters.I am not really fond of romantic stories but this one is different.This Western romance really give you satisfaction in terms of romance story.Kudos to the author