Yoga of Sound: Kirtans from the Sacred Forest

Read Yoga of Sound: Kirtans from the Sacred Forest PDF by Agni Deva eBook or Kindle ePUB Online free. Yoga of Sound: Kirtans from the Sacred Forest Johanna said Beautifuljust beautiful.. Glorious, compact book with CD for learning and appreciating kirtans. The illustrations are amazing. The whole thing is an amalgam of artistic expression of the beauty of the Source of Being.. Devotional Chanting/Kirtan according to Morani. Agni Deva is a very good example of devotion to God through chanting. The instrumentation is authentic and the emotion put forth is sincere and deeply felt. Although not as ecstatic as some expressions of Kirtan, this

Yoga of Sound: Kirtans from the Sacred Forest

Author :
Rating : 4.36 (537 Votes)
Asin : 1932771956
Format Type : paperback
Number of Pages : 64 Pages
Publish Date : 2015-03-14
Language : English


In speaking the name of God, one finds God incarnate in sound and brings the light of God into the world. Yoga of Sound is an invitation and portal into a vast, beautiful world of traditional song to be listened to, not merely heard. Here, the renowned Agni Deva offers traditional chants not as accompaniment to life but as a pathway to holiness. It includes a CD of traditional kitrans and an introduction by Patrick Bernard, the creator of Sublime Relaxation and author of The Secret Music of the Soul.. The many names of gods in Vedic literature each represent a path to liberation, if one is able to utter them with consciousness and dedication. Today, we too often forget the unifying spirituality of sound, allowing it to clutter our lives but never hearing its true and transcendental beauty. Since ancient times, humankind has known the soothing and purifying power of music

. Renowned for his sweet Gaudiya style kirtan, Agni Deva sings traditional songs with cross-over accompaniment. In 1972 he began publicly performing bhajan and kirtan in the traditional Bengali style. His study of Vedic philosophy led him to discover the devotional music of West Bengal. Agni Deva was born in Trinidad and moved to New York in his youth. He later toured with the South Asian Cultural Exhibition performing on university campuses across the United States and continues to

Johanna said Beautifuljust beautiful.. Glorious, compact book with CD for learning and appreciating kirtans. The illustrations are amazing. The whole thing is an amalgam of artistic expression of the beauty of the Source of Being.. "Devotional Chanting/Kirtan" according to Morani. Agni Deva is a very good example of devotion to God through chanting. The instrumentation is authentic and the emotion put forth is sincere and deeply felt. Although not as ecstatic as some expressions of Kirtan, this production has a sweet and loving sound. The production team has taken care of keeping Vaishnava traditional values guarded with traditional sounds. It. "Agni is the Man" according to Merky Wave. This is Agni's 2nd album and it is excellent !buy it now and you will be so happy!Hare Krsna!

From the Publisher • The third volume in the critically acclaimed CD-book series featuring inspirational music based on traditional Vedic chants. • Booklet includes full-color traditional art reproductions throughout.