101 Tips for Telecommuters

Read [Debra A. Dinnocenzo Book] 101 Tips for Telecommuters Online PDF eBook or Kindle ePUB free. 101 Tips for Telecommuters Telecommuting can have a tremendously positive impact on an individuals quality of life, productivity, and peace of mind. Author Debra Dinnocenzo offers specific strategies for successful telecommuting that will enhance effectiveness and prosperity, both personal and professional. Sections address working well alone, with the family, with a team, and with external partners.. Easy-to-implement suggestions offer ways to transfer the knowledge and take the steps necessary to change and improve rel

101 Tips for Telecommuters

Author :
Rating : 4.84 (589 Votes)
Asin : 1576750698
Format Type : paperback
Number of Pages : 250 Pages
Publish Date : 2013-06-17
Language : English


Beyond that, it is a useful collection of personal productivity tips for everyone who ever works at home." -- Jack Zenger, President, PROVANT Inc. It is chock-full of practical wisdom on all of the issues a telecommuter faces. Noack, Vice President/Group Publisher, Training Magazine"Telecommuters, and those who want to be, will consider this the most useful book they will ever read on the topic." -- William C. Byham, Ph.D., President and CEO, Development Dimensions international and author of Zapp! The Lightning of Empowerment. and cofounder of Zenger Miller"From the person who's been there, done that, these are pearls of wisdom for anyone-and any organization-considering telecommuting as a way of life." -- Jerry C. "An extraordinary collection of useful insights for both telecommuters and their managers on how to get the maximum benefits from this new way of working

Dinnocenzo is a veteran executive telecommuter and president of ALLearnatives, a training and consulting firm which offers products and services to telecommuters and organizations involved in telecommuting. Debra A. . She was senior vice president of marketing for Learning International, a worldwide sales performance and training company and a division of Times Mirror. In 1997 she was awarded runner-up honors in the Home Sweet Home-Office Contest sponsored by Sales &

"The book provides good tips for anyone working from home" according to Marci Reynolds. I previewed this book for work, to see if we could use it as a tool for our telecommuter team. The book provides good tips for anyone working from home. However, the technology mentions are outdated and include things like fax machines and pagers. If you can look past that portion, the book has helpful hints and if you buy it used, it is a very small investment.. "Good for people who are thinking of getting into telecommuting" according to Diane B. Gates. I was looking for a book on how to manage telecommuters, but this had a great checklist for when I interview someone thinking of telecommuting. Quite a few items taken from the book will come in handy.. 101 Tips for Telecommuters: Real Life A Customer 101 Tips is a must-have desk reference for professionals who are contemplating or just entering the telecommuting world. It is exceptionally well-organized with cross-references, appendices, checklists, and a writing style that makes it very easy to find what you need and want. The author effectively delivers not only the mechanics for efficient telecommuting but also, and perhaps more importantly, addresses the relationship dimensions within the family unit and co-workers. The book is loaded with inserts (or "Tip2"s). The telecommuter who diligently implements all or most of these Tip2s will find new levels of personal efficiency and ins

Telecommuting can have a tremendously positive impact on an individual's quality of life, productivity, and peace of mind. Author Debra Dinnocenzo offers specific strategies for successful telecommuting that will enhance effectiveness and prosperity, both personal and professional. Sections address working well alone, with the family, with a team, and with external partners.. Easy-to-implement suggestions offer ways to transfer the knowledge and take the steps necessary to change and improve relationships, processes