Breathturn into Timestead: The Collected Later Poetry: A Bilingual Edition (German Edition)

Read [Paul Celan Book] Breathturn into Timestead: The Collected Later Poetry: A Bilingual Edition (German Edition) Online PDF eBook or Kindle ePUB free. Breathturn into Timestead: The Collected Later Poetry: A Bilingual Edition (German Edition) This collection displays a mature writer at the height of his talents, following what Celan himself called the turn (Wende) of his work away from the lush, surreal metaphors of his earlier verse. Breathturn into Timestead: TheCollected Later Poetry gathers the five final volumes of his lifes work in a bilingual edition, translated and with commentary by the award-winning poet and translator Pierre Joris. Given the sinister events in its memory, Celan believed tha

Breathturn into Timestead: The Collected Later Poetry: A Bilingual Edition (German Edition)

Author :
Rating : 4.95 (756 Votes)
Asin : 0374125988
Format Type : paperback
Number of Pages : 736 Pages
Publish Date : 2014-05-06
Language : German


Celan settled in Paris in 1948, where he lived and wrote until his suicide in 1970. Paul Celan was born in Czernowitz, Bukovina, in 1920, and is widely considered to be one of the most innovative poets of the twentieth century. In 2005 he received the PEN Award for Poetry in Translation for his translation of Celan's Lichtzwang / Lightduress.. A German-

The Difficulty is the Reward At this writing there are only 6 reviews of this amazing book, and 3 of them are complaints about the binding and the paper. Please don’t be deterred by qualms about the book’s presentation and durability. I’ve spent the last month immersed in these pages—book-marking, referencing, writing notes in the margins, lugging the 2.5 l. I'M REVIEWING THE BOOK ITSELF Allen Horne I apologize in advance since this isn't a review of Celan. I couldn't review his work, I'm not smart enough. But I love it. I am writing to complain about the book itself. It has a cheap binding and the paper isn't rich like the kind New Directions uses when they publish poetry. What a disappointment. Indeed, why buy hardcovers if the publishers refuse. "and his admirers deserved better." according to M. Walsh. The poetry stands on its own as a thing of brilliance. I am writing in regard to the shoddy quality of the book: cheap paper, generic font, and a poorly glued spine. Poetry collections by Hill, Neruda, Yeats, and many more, pulled from my shelf, for comparison show a much greater attention to detail. FSG showed little care in the execution of this volu

This first appearance in English of the complete late volumes arrives thanks to a poet well suited to the task. The exemplary en face edition also presents all the German; Joris provides a careful introduction and ample, learned notes.” Publishers Weekly“Paul Celan was a celebrated translator and a poet recognized as one of the twentieth century's greatest writers in German, alongside Rainer Maria Rilke. Celan, raised amid many languages, spoke German at home. Celan settled in Paris, but wrote his poems in German. The later poems--six books, three of them posthumous--comprise new compounds, alienated images, hauntingly crystallized phrases that sound like nobody's native tongue: critics find in them responses to the Holocaust, an "excavated heart," a civilization beyond repair. With seeming ease, Joris conveys the complexity and inventiveness of the original German without oversimplifying or domesticating its difficulty, its dark beauty, or the depth

This collection displays a mature writer at the height of his talents, following what Celan himself called the "turn" (Wende) of his work away from the lush, surreal metaphors of his earlier verse. Breathturn into Timestead: TheCollected Later Poetry gathers the five final volumes of his life's work in a bilingual edition, translated and with commentary by the award-winning poet and translator Pierre Joris. Given "the sinister events in its memory," Celan believed that the language of poetry had to become "more sober, more factual ‘grayer.'" Abandoning the more sumptuous music of the first books, he