Ethics and the Craft - The History, Evolution, and Practice of Wiccan Ethics

[John J. Coughlin] ☆ Ethics and the Craft - The History, Evolution, and Practice of Wiccan Ethics ☆ Download Online eBook or Kindle ePUB. Ethics and the Craft - The History, Evolution, and Practice of Wiccan Ethics Well thought out and easy to read Don J. Webb John J. Coughlin has written a good book on Wicca ethics. As a non-wiccan Pagan (Setian) I tend to view the Wiccan world at best as one of great beauty, and at worst as place for weak thinking. Coughlin has created a balanced book. It explains the rational basis of Wiccan ethics that could stand up in a philosophy course. He provides some good thoughtful guidelines for ethical practice of magic, which make this book a useful book to alternative relig

Ethics and the Craft - The History, Evolution, and Practice of Wiccan Ethics

Author :
Rating : 4.73 (765 Votes)
Asin : 0982354908
Format Type : paperback
Number of Pages : 168 Pages
Publish Date : 2016-02-01
Language : English


The History, Evolution, and Practice of Wiccan Ethics provides ground breaking research into the history of ethics in the Wiccan religion and how they have propagated and changed over time. The book also includes a discourse on ethical thinking for Wiccans and Pagans.

Well thought out and easy to read Don J. Webb John J. Coughlin has written a good book on Wicca ethics. As a non-wiccan Pagan (Setian) I tend to view the Wiccan world at best as one of great beauty, and at worst as place for weak thinking. Coughlin has created a balanced book. It explains the rational basis of Wiccan ethics that could stand up in a philosophy course. He provides some good thoughtful guidelines for ethical practice of magic, which make this book a useful book to alternative religions. He has also used scholarly and critical tools to examine the origin of certain ideas in modern Wicca. I think this would be a good bo. A must read for every beginning Wiccan I have recommended this author's website, and now his finished book, to all the friends who've asked me for guidance in learning the basics of Wicca. Ethics should always be one of the first lessons, if not THE first. Here you can find the most complete history of the Rede and Law of Return I have ever seen in one place. The historical component of the book is the most valuable, and represents a huge amount of research and effort on the part of the author. It is for this section that I primarily recommend the work.I find the applied ethics section a little basic, and would even challeng. A history of Wiccan ethics that delivers I am not a Wiccan and this is a book about Wiccan Ethics. With that Caveat made, I found this book to be an excellent exploration of Wiccan ethics, both in terms of the history of said ethics and the exploration of those how ethics are applied to one's life. I also like that the author explored ethics in relationship to one's magical practice. I highly recommend this book as a useful guide to understanding Wicca and its ethics, and even as a book that may be interesting to someone who is not Wiccan but practices magic and wants to learn about various ethical systems. While I did disagre

A significant work in the field of modern Witchcraft studies, Ethics and the Craft cuts straight to the heart of the matter. This excellent dissertation is highly recommended to any Craft practitioner seeking to understand the little discussed--and frequently misunderstood--realm of ethics in modern Witchcraft. The author goes into a great deal of depth in how we process ethical decision making, and applications of ethics in general. --Lupa, author and editor for Immanion Press and webmistress of PaganBookReviewsI found myself in awe. --Corvis Nocturnum, author of Embracing the Darkness: Understanding Dark Subcultures and Allure of the Vampire: Our Sexual Attraction to the Undead. This work by John Coughlin is so very much needed in our day and age. Covering everything from the Wiccan Rede to the Threefold Law and everything in between, Coughlin forces readers to question

. In that time he has worked with several groups, although he primarily prefers to walk a solitary, eclectic path. Coughlin has been involved in one aspect of the occult or another since 1984. A relatively reclusive author in occult circles, John's other public books include Out of the Shadows: An Exploration of Dark Paganism and Magick, Liber Yog-Sothoth, and A Cthulhian Grimoire of Dream Work. John J. Currently, John is Editor/Webmaster