Faith and Humor: Notes from Muscovy

Download Faith and Humor: Notes from Muscovy PDF by Maya Kucherskaya eBook or Kindle ePUB Online free. Faith and Humor: Notes from Muscovy it is a good thing to read on the bus or something for according to Crystol W.. This is interesting, it is a good thing to read on the bus or something for some short little stories that are half a page.. More Faith than Humor according to Dee Zee. This little book is a gem. For those who grew up in the Russian Orthodox faith, it is an affirmation. For those looking in, it hopefully gives an insight into how we think.. Not much humor according to Marina Estabrook. The book has been a hug

Faith and Humor: Notes from Muscovy

Author :
Rating : 4.98 (586 Votes)
Asin : 1880100630
Format Type : paperback
Number of Pages : 270 Pages
Publish Date : 2013-05-02
Language : English


She has served several times as a judge on Russia's most prestigious literary award, the Booker, and her first novel (recently rewritten and published as The Rain God) received the Student Booker prize. . A graduate of Moscow State University, she received a PhD from UCLA and is the author of more than 100 articles on literature and culture. Faith & Humor

In so doing, she gives readers a key to understanding the mysterious Russian Soul.. A book that dares to explore the humanity of priests and pilgrims, saints and sinners, Faith & Humor has been both a runaway bestseller in Russia and the focus of heated controversy – as often happens when a thoughtful writer takes on sacred cows. In Russia, Faith & Humor has been burned in effigy by ardent believers, even while it has been used for instruction of novitiates to the priesthood. The stories, aphorisms, anecdotes, dialogues and adventures in this volume comprise an encyclopedia of modern Russian Orthodoxy, and thereby of Russian life. Author Maya Kucherskaya artfully mixes fact and fiction, myth and history to offer a compelling, loving picture of a world of faith that is often impenetrable to outsiders

--Mikhail Vizel . And she speaks of the clergy without catching her breath. --Mikhail ShishkinStarting with scandalous tales, the author ably ignites what? Strange as it is to say it: spirituality. For her, they are just a part of normal, everyday life, and not some sort of exotic Orthodox hedgehogs. The most delicate language, deceptively light, deceptively conversational. She is, after all, not simply a modern humanist, but also a true person of faith

"it is a good thing to read on the bus or something for" according to Crystol W.. This is interesting, it is a good thing to read on the bus or something for some short little stories that are half a page.. "More Faith than Humor" according to Dee Zee. This little book is a "gem." For those who grew up in the Russian Orthodox faith, it is an affirmation. For those looking in, it hopefully gives an insight into how we think.. "Not much humor" according to Marina Estabrook. The book has been a huge disappointment to me. I expected some clever stories or anecdotes but instead I found very little of interest or witty or insightful. Most of the time, I saw little point in the writings. Sorry.