Hymns to the Night (English and German Edition)

Download Hymns to the Night (English and German Edition) PDF by Dick Higgins, Novalis eBook or Kindle ePUB Online free. Hymns to the Night (English and German Edition) The six hymns comprise a deeply affecting poem that speaks across the centuries with unquestioned radiance.. The German text is en face. This bilingual, revised, third edition of Dick Higgins popular translation presents the complete Athenaum version of Frederich von Hardenburghs classic romantic long poem, and the substantially different manuscript version of the first section]

Hymns to the Night (English and German Edition)

Author :
Rating : 4.73 (537 Votes)
Asin : 0914232908
Format Type : paperback
Number of Pages : 55 Pages
Publish Date : 2014-05-02
Language : German


Poetry and Philosophy A Customer The German culture can be said to oscillate between two extremes. The first is the predisposition to obsessively systematize and classify life's experience into knowledge with a calm and indifferent demeanor. The second is the reverse tendency to discard the rational and dive off into the realm of the fantastic and the perverse, the moody and the emotionally erratic. Novalis presents a fascinating case study in paradoxically representing both of th. Carnamagos said Brilliant Poems; Dreadful Translation. Five stars for the *Hymns*; zero stars for the (mis)translation.Novalis's *Hymns to the Night* are a true gem of late 18th-Century Romantic poetry. A brilliant and original mingling of prose-poetry and verse, the *Hymns* celebrate night, darkness, and death as bearers of tremendous revelation. They do so in supple, elegant, and sensuous language filled with yearning for a deeper reality than that which gaudy daylight reveals. Particularly notable i. Sequoical said Poor translation. I won't reiterate what's already been stated, but this is a translation by an academic and not a poet.If you want a real translation of hymns to the night check out Blurb books and search "hymns to the night", translation is by B.R. and there's a preview of hymn 1 to give you an idea of the distance between this translation and all others I've seen.Great work, worth buying and reading but you have to find the best if you want to enjoy it in its ent

The six hymns comprise a deeply affecting poem that speaks across the centuries with unquestioned radiance.. The German text is en face. This bilingual, revised, third edition of Dick Higgins' popular translation presents the complete Athenaum version of Frederich von Hardenburgh's classic romantic long poem, and the substantially different manuscript version of the first section

-- Choice. Appropriate for general readers and for scholars interested in the art of translation