Introduction to the Study of the Hindu Doctrines (Collected Works of Rene Guenon)

Read Introduction to the Study of the Hindu Doctrines (Collected Works of Rene Guenon) PDF by Rene Guenon eBook or Kindle ePUB Online free. Introduction to the Study of the Hindu Doctrines (Collected Works of Rene Guenon) The West is now overrun with many brands of compromised Hinduism, whose gurus are considered charlatans by traditional Hindu authorities. H. For anyone drawn to the Hindu tradition, searching for a way to separate the wheat from the chaff and dedicated to gaining an understanding of the universe that is Hinduism in its own terms and not those imposed by modernist Western assumptions, this book is indispensable.. Nasr) like a sudden burst of lightning, an abrupt intrusion into the modern world

Introduction to the Study of the Hindu Doctrines (Collected Works of Rene Guenon)

Author :
Rating : 4.41 (709 Votes)
Asin : 090058873X
Format Type : paperback
Number of Pages : 276 Pages
Publish Date : 2014-01-24
Language : English


After a lonely childhood, often interrupted by ill health, Guénon navigated the seductive half-truths of occultism toward a deeper, unified vision offering a way out from the confusion and fragmentation of our time. Regarded by leading scholars as the first truly authentic interpreter of many Eastern doctrines in

Language Notes Text: English (translation) Original Language: French

New to Guénon's thought? This is the book for you. This book should be titled "Introduction to the Thought of René Guénon", for instead of presenting the Hindu doctrines from the beginning, the first part of the book – a large part – introduces key concepts and distinctions that should aid one's reading of other Guénonian works, such as "Crisis of the Modern World". That besides, I haven't yet finished it, but I'll say that it is qu. A great work full of profound insights into metaphysics Dr. Binita Mehta The main thrust of the book is on the nature of traditional principles and the metaphysical knowledge that is based on true universal principles. In the second part of the book termed `The General Character of Eastern Thought', Guenon gives an extensive exposition on Tradition and Metaphysics and brings out the essential characteristics of Eastern philosophy and mentality and the ways in which it differs from the m. The best door to know the real East. Surprisingly, René Guénon didn't approve the title of this that was his first book, "baptized" by his French editor; in chat with friends, he admitted that considered it excessively academic, capable of keeping away many persons that could be perfectly capable of understanding it.Actually, this book not constitutes only an introduction to the study of the Hindu doctrines, but to all the authentic orie

The West is now overrun with many brands of compromised Hinduism, whose 'gurus' are considered charlatans by traditional Hindu authorities. H. For anyone drawn to the Hindu tradition, searching for a way to separate the wheat from the chaff and dedicated to gaining an understanding of the universe that is Hinduism in its own terms and not those imposed by modernist Western assumptions, this book is indispensable.. Nasr) 'like a sudden burst of lightning, an abrupt intrusion into the modern world of a body of knowledge and a perspective utterly alien to the prevalent climate and world view.' In this book Guénon establishes the criteria which formed the basis of his later works and set the tone for the Traditionalist School that came after him: the meaning of Tradition, the relationship between 'religion', 'theology', 'metaphysics etc.-all leading up to an exhaustive definition and comprehensive overview of Hinduism, which Guénon saw as the most ancient and most complete spiritual tradition on earth, embracing the most profound and explicit metaphysics. René Guénon's first book, Introduction to the Study of Hindu Doctrines, came (in the words of the eminent scholar S