Potshot (Spenser Book 28)

^ Read * Potshot (Spenser Book 28) by Robert B. Parker ↠ eBook or Kindle ePUB. Potshot (Spenser Book 28) But when this western idyll is threatened by a local gang—a twenty-first-century posse of desert rats, misfits, drunks, and scavengers—the local police seem powerless. transplants, moved to Potshot and started a modest outdoor tour service. It is Mary Lou’s belief that when her husband refused to pay The Preacher and his men protection money he was killed. Boston P.I. Led by a charismatic individual known only as The Preacher, this motley band of thieves selectively exploits

Potshot (Spenser Book 28)

Author :
Rating : 4.60 (565 Votes)
Asin : B005F4CDB0
Format Type :
Number of Pages : 227 Pages
Publish Date : 2013-12-05
Language : English


Lisa Shea said Beautifully written, but overused plot. I adore the writing in the Spenser novels. When I get the latest book, I grab it and make the few hours of time it takes to read it - something I rarely do for any other book. I'll relish the puns and savor the literary thrill of it all. Unfortunately, though, the plots seem to get weaker each year.I hate to give aw. Avid Reader said Outstanding !. I have been reading the Sperser series in order. Enjoyed them all, but this one was super! Excellent idea getting all the guys together in this new adventure. I highly recommend reading it.. Potshot; or The Magnificent Seven Revisited Only Robert Parker fans will let him get away with this effort. With Spenser in the Yul Brenner role and Hawk as a supporting Steve McQueen, the good guys round up a collection of politically correct compadres (black, gay, American Indian, hispanic, Italian enforcer from Vegas) to clean the bad guys out of Potshot,

Parker's best, it's still not bad. The action ranges from Las Vegas to L.A., Atlanta to New Mexico, but much of it is a humdrum travelogue as Spenser rounds up his gang from all over the country to take on the Preacher and his musclemen. Maybe Spenser's driven all the bad guys out of Boston. But they do fill up the white space, and when the action lags, there's always Susan's dirty talk, shopping jones, and dietary obsessions to divert the reader. While Potshot isn't one of Robert B. But Spenser's not as certain as his client that

But when this western idyll is threatened by a local gang—a twenty-first-century posse of desert rats, misfits, drunks, and scavengers—the local police seem powerless. transplants, moved to Potshot and started a modest outdoor tour service. It is Mary Lou’s belief that when her husband refused to pay The Preacher and his men protection money he was killed. Boston P.I. Led by a charismatic individual known only as The Preacher, this motley band of thieves selectively exploits the town, nurturing it as a source of wealth while systematically robbing the residents blind.Enter Spenser, who has been hired by the comely Mary Lou Buckman to investigate the murder of her husband. Spenser returns—heading west to the rich man’s