Toxic Faith

Read [Stephen Arterburn, Jack Felton Book] Toxic Faith Online PDF eBook or Kindle ePUB free. Toxic Faith In the words of the author, “I want to help you throw out that toxic faith and bring you back to the real thing.”. Those who possess a toxic faith have stepped across the line from a balanced perspective of God to an unbalanced faith in a weak, powerless or uncaring God. They seek a God to fix every mess, prevent every hurt, and mend every conflict.Toxic Faith distinguishes between a healthy faith and a misguided religiosity that traps believers in an addictive practice of rel

Toxic Faith

Author :
Rating : 4.29 (929 Votes)
Asin : 0877888256
Format Type : paperback
Number of Pages : 240 Pages
Publish Date : 0000-00-00
Language : English


In the words of the author, “I want to help you throw out that toxic faith and bring you back to the real thing.”. Those who possess a toxic faith have stepped across the line from a balanced perspective of God to an unbalanced faith in a weak, powerless or uncaring God. They seek a God to fix every mess, prevent every hurt, and mend every conflict.Toxic Faith distinguishes between a healthy faith and a misguided religiosity that traps believers in an addictive practice of religion. Toxic Faith shows readers how to find hope for a return to genuine, healthy faith that can add meaning to life. It shows how unbalanced ministries, misguided churches, and unscrupulous leaders can lead their followers away from God and into a desolate experience of religion that drives many to despair. Experiencing Healing from Painful Spiritual AbuseWhen religion becomes a means to avoid or control life, it becomes toxic

Toxic Faith shows readers how to find hope for a return to genuine, healthy faith that can add meaning to life. Those who possess a toxic faith have stepped across the line from a balanced perspective of God to an unbalanced faith in a weak, powerless or uncaring God. In the words of the author, ?I want to help you throw out that toxic faith and bring you back to the real thing.? . From the Inside FlapExperiencing Healing from Painful Spiritual AbuseWhen religion becomes a means to avoid or control life, it becomes toxic. They seek a God to fix every mess, prevent every hurt, and mend every conflict.Toxic Faith distinguishes between a healthy faith a

He is the host of the daily "New Life Live!" national radio program and the creator of the Women of Faith conferences. Jack Felton is a licensed therapist and an ordained minister at New Hope Christian Counseling Center and is president and founder of Compassion Move Ministries. Stephen Arterburn is the founder and chairman of New Life Clinics, which provide Christian counseling and treatment throughout the United States.

"Toxic Faith- A Must Read!" according to Toxic sheep no more. This is such an important book- If I and my family had only been aware of this book's contents we might have `escaped' our toxic church prison twenty years earlier[].Arteburn and Felton cover the two extremes of what they have labeled as `toxic faith': Religion that promotes a God who loves you according to your performance level as opposed to a `Feel-Good' God who's only concern is our perfect happiness.After twenty odd years in a hell-hole of a church that enslaved my mind, m. Toxic Faith Lisa Every Christian needs to read this book. The last church I attended was toxic but when I was in it I didn't fully realize it. I kept making excuses for the pastor's behavior (and the church leadership's behavior). Leaving that church was like coming out of a fog. Reading Toxic Faith was like reading a play that the church had been acting out. The book explains that in a toxic faith system, there are various roles that each person plays: a persecutor, co-conspirator, enabler, vi. Grace filled and very insightful I am basically reiterating most of the other reviews posted for this book, yet I felt it was an important book to review because there are few books on this subject out there.This is an awesome book for anyone being healed of a legalistic mindset. I also strongly recommend this book for anyone leaving a cultish religious group or if you are helping people you know that are involved in one.For someone breaking free from a legalism, control, or hyper- religiousness; this book doe