Reminiscences of Peace and War

[Sara Agnes Rice Pryor] ô Reminiscences of Peace and War Ö Download Online eBook or Kindle ePUB. Reminiscences of Peace and War It is told in a modest way by one who bravely faced every deprivation and returned to her desolate home with a cheery, hopeful spirit which manifests itself in every page, as it did in the days following the war when by her self-sacrifice she aided her husband to attain, in the face of great odds, eminent rank in the bar and bench of New York. -- Boston Herald Nothing which has yet been produced excels in charm of style, in temperate and modern statement of facts, and in vivid portrayal of so

Reminiscences of Peace and War

Author :
Rating : 4.60 (969 Votes)
Asin : B003XNTD0Y
Format Type :
Number of Pages : 398 Pages
Publish Date : 2014-03-09
Language : English


It is told in a modest way by one who bravely faced every deprivation and returned to her desolate home with a cheery, hopeful spirit which manifests itself in every page, as it did in the days following the war when by her self-sacrifice she aided her husband to attain, in the face of great odds, eminent rank in the bar and bench of New York." -- Boston Herald " Nothing which has yet been produced excels in charm of style, in temperate and modern statement of facts, and in vivid portrayal of social characteristics and incidents of private and military life than the thoroughly delightful book of reminiscences just completed by Mrs. Mrs. Pryor is also known for being a Confederate Brigadier General during the American Civil War.Book Reviews of the Day:Few persons now living had a better opportunity to be in, and a part of, the life of the national capital and mingle with its social and political leaders during that period when the war clouds were gathering to bu

A Customer said Fast Moving Civil War History From View Of An Eye Witness!. A nearly lost classic which both men and women will enjoy. The author, wife of Roger A. Pryor, U.S. Congressman from Virginia, vocal proponent of succession of the southern states from the Union, and, later, Brigadier General in the Confederate Army, tells of her family's fall from the grace of high social life during the Pierce and Buchanan administrations to abject poverty as Grant's army surrounds them and Robert E. Lee's nearly broken forces in Petersburg, VA near the end of the Civil War. Written from the perspective of the year 1908, this well written book reads as a fast flowing novel a. An accurate flash-view of Confederate valor in the 1860's High school history is normally boring, a progression of dates and places. Bite into this fast moving book, written in 1908 by the wife of a Confederate General, and history will truly "come alive" for you! Men, work your way through the first chapters dealing with what women wore to the White House in those days. Your patience will be rewarded as Grant tightens his noose around Lee's Army of North Virginia at Petersburg in the last days of the Civil War. This book, written by a sharp woman who was right there on the ground when it all actually happened, is as good or perhaps better than any a. "Artfully written" according to james jones. I deduct a star because the e-version (Kindle) of the book is so sloppily transcribed. It seems that every page has at least one peculiar typographical error.If the reader can ignore the atrocious editing, he will be captivated by this memoir of a Virginia lady's experience during the "War of Yankee Aggression." Mrs. Pryor was obviously a well-bred, highly-educated woman and a skillful writer. This is not a history of the War, per se. The process of secession and the great campaigns of the War have been abundantly chronicled by historians. Instead, Pryor gives a thoroughly personal picture of