Rise of the Sleeping Tiger

Read [D. W. Stephen Book] Rise of the Sleeping Tiger Online PDF eBook or Kindle ePUB free. Rise of the Sleeping Tiger Destiny brought them together but only death would keep them there.. In a heart wrenching love story that explores the depth of a man’s soul, David grows into a legend. He found the answer when her soft lips met his. He loved hard and deep and those who tried to harm Sarah quickly discovered the boundless extremes an extraordinary man would go through for the love of a woman. As he gazed at his blood stained hands, he had a vision of her standing in that yellow dress with her golden hair s

Rise of the Sleeping Tiger

Author :
Rating : 4.42 (974 Votes)
Asin : 1537117254
Format Type : paperback
Number of Pages : 366 Pages
Publish Date : 2017-12-01
Language : English


Destiny brought them together but only death would keep them there.. In a heart wrenching love story that explores the depth of a man’s soul, David grows into a legend. He found the answer when her soft lips met his. He loved hard and deep and those who tried to harm Sarah quickly discovered the boundless extremes an extraordinary man would go through for the love of a woman. As he gazed at his blood stained hands, he had a vision of her standing in that yellow dress with her golden hair surrounded in a halo as he wondered, am I a hero or a killer

KS said Good story!. Good love story with a nice cliffhanger at the end! I can't wait for the next installment. It sounds like things will get really interesting in the next one.