The Undefended Self: Living the Pathwork

[Susan Thesenga, Eva Pierrakos] · The Undefended Self: Living the Pathwork ✓ Download Online eBook or Kindle ePUB. The Undefended Self: Living the Pathwork clyde porter said This is real life!!. I am a wholistic health and energy management practitioner. Any food or supplement or reading I use that I consider important to my mental, physical, emotional, spiritual health is tested energetically for the “truth” and integration of it before my consumption. I have no life to waste on careless consumption in these realms. My recommendations reflect this process. For the sake of ones self/SELF i r. If you are looking for a book that is easy

The Undefended Self: Living the Pathwork

Author :
Rating : 4.24 (686 Votes)
Asin : 0961477776
Format Type : paperback
Number of Pages : 329 Pages
Publish Date : 2016-11-24
Language : English


. She started on this path more than thirty years ago, after meeting Eva Pierrakos, whose Pathwork teachings gave direction and meaning to Susan's lifelong spiritual search. In 1972 Susan and her husban, Donovan, founded the Sevenoaks Pathwork Center in Madison, Virginia, where they still live and work. Susan Thesenga has taught the Pathwork throughout the United States and in Brazil

--John Pierrakos, M.D., author of Core EnergeticsPenetrating and highlly effective guide in the psychological and spiritual search into the fundamental questions of life. --Leading Edge Review . The Undefended Self is a must for all those aspiring for personal transformation and human evolution. --Barbara Brennan, author of Hands of Light and Light EmergingDeeply movinga work of courage

clyde porter said This is real life!!. I am a wholistic health and energy management practitioner. Any food or supplement or reading I use that I consider important to my mental, physical, emotional, spiritual health is tested energetically for the “truth” and integration of it before my consumption. I have no life to waste on careless consumption in these realms. My recommendations reflect this process. For the sake of one's self/SELF i r. If you are looking for a book that is easy to apply Maria T. If you are looking for a book that is easy to apply, this is not for you. But if you're looking to delve deeper then maybe. I was hoping for much more and was a bit disappointed. I think I will have to pick it up again and maybe I will feel differently in the future.. Rose byAnother Name said Well written, excellent book. I really find the exercises that are at the close of each chapter helpful to make what I've read come alive for me personally. I think this book has a lot of valuable teachings and very insightful information. I'm so glad it was recommended to me.

The Undefended Self is a profoundd and pragmatic guide to liveing the spiritual-psychological path toward union--with self, with others, and with the essence of life. The Undefended Self has been published in five languages and is read at schools of healing and transformation and in study groups around the world.. Here we learn, through the Pathwork teachings,, and through true personal stories of conflick, crisis, and breakthrough:the maps and processes for the hero's journey for our times how to dismantle personal defenses safel