Unmarried Parents' Rights

Read [Jacqueline D. Stanley Book] Unmarried Parents Rights Online PDF eBook or Kindle ePUB free. Unmarried Parents Rights Excellent book!!! A Customer This is a no nonsense read for anyone questioning their rights. I must say, after reading this book, not only did I understand my rights more, but used it to make my ex stop treating my daughter like a pawn in a chess game. This book is meant for every state in the US. It is perfect. It has the forms and even what to expect in court and after court. It is worth every cent!. best bang for your buck according to Amazon Customer. If your going through custody plan on

Unmarried Parents' Rights

Author :
Rating : 4.98 (882 Votes)
Asin : 1572482362
Format Type : paperback
Number of Pages : 240 Pages
Publish Date : 0000-00-00
Language : English


This book contains specific legal information for all 50 states and the District of Columbia. Sample forms, a complete glossary and a thorough index provide valuable information for those trying to protect or understand their legal parental rights.. Topics on such important issues as visitation, court procedures and establishing paternity are addressed as well. This book discusses in understandable language the legal rights and duties of unmarried parents. Child custody, support and paternity suits can be complicated when parents are unmarried

She currently practices law in Greensboro, North Carolina. Ms. Stanley has co-authored many self-help legal guides including How to File for Divorce in North Carolina. About the Author Jacqueline D. Stanley received her law degree from Wake Forest University.

Excellent book!!! A Customer This is a no nonsense read for anyone questioning their rights. I must say, after reading this book, not only did I understand my rights more, but used it to make my ex stop treating my daughter like a pawn in a chess game. This book is meant for every state in the US. It is perfect. It has the forms and even what to expect in court and after court. It is worth every cent!. "best bang for your buck" according to Amazon Customer. If your going through custody plan on having custody or foresee a custody situation and if you love your kids do yourself and your lawyer a favor pick this up and read it will save you $$$ time and heartache.. Sissy Vaughn said Very insightful and helpful. Very easy to read and understand My son is going through custody issues and can't afford legal assistance. This book has been very insightful and has offered many very helpful tips.

Stanley received her law degree from Wake Forest University. Ms. Jacqueline D. She currently practices law in Greensboro, North Carolina. Stanley has co-authored many self-help legal guides including How to File for Divorce in North Carolina.