Women Warriors: Stories from the Thin Blue Line

Read [John M. Wills Book] Women Warriors: Stories from the Thin Blue Line Online PDF eBook or Kindle ePUB free. Women Warriors: Stories from the Thin Blue Line Woman Warriors Stories From the Thin Blue Line by Author John M Wills. WOW-WOW-WOW GREAT BOOKFirst of all I am not in law enforcement, but this book was purchased at the recommendation of a friend who has a daughter in law enforcement. After reading the 1st of the Women Warriors story, I was hooked and could NOT put the book down. I felt thru their stories I could feel their love, enjoyment, respect, dedication, professionalism, physically demanding, spiritually and emotional demands that these

Women Warriors: Stories from the Thin Blue Line

Author :
Rating : 4.86 (789 Votes)
Asin : 1590956966
Format Type : paperback
Number of Pages : 354 Pages
Publish Date : 2018-02-11
Language : English


There are a number of reasons for this uptick, not the least of which is that law enforcement is no longer regarded as only a man s job. Why write about women in law enforcement? Because during my career, I ve trained scores of women in a variety of disciplines: defensive tactics, firearms and fitness, to name a few. I ve mentored some who have gone on in their careers to be highly successful. Their reward, however, is eternal life. Sadly, I ve seen a few make the ultimate sacrifice and lay down their lives for their fellow man. Needless to say, I am inspired by the daily battle waged by our women in blue. Some will outrage you as you try and understand why people act as they do. Women working the streets

About the Author John is an award-winning novelist, former Chicago police officer and retired FBI agent. John has published more than 125 articles on police training, firearms and street survival. His short stories have also won awards and are published in several anthologies. He was awarded two of the Chicago Police Department s highest commendations for Valor, and ended his career teaching at the FBI Academy in Quantico, Virginia. His thirty-three years in law enforcement have included working violent crime, drugs, undercover assignments and teaching street survival internationally.

Woman Warriors Stories From the Thin Blue Line by Author John M Wills. WOW-WOW-WOW GREAT BOOKFirst of all I am not in law enforcement, but this book was purchased at the recommendation of a friend who has a daughter in law enforcement. After reading the 1st of the Women Warrior's story, I was hooked and could NOT put the book down. I felt thru their stories I could feel their love, enjoyment, respect, dedication, professionalism, physically demanding, spiritually and emotional demands that these women deal with on a daily basis. I was in awe of the challenges they faced both personally and professionally of a unthankful job they so willing do. It will make you happy with laughter and cry with the sorrows, true . Fascinating facts in a most readable book Women Warriors is a long-overdue tribute and surprisingly informative view of law enforcement, especially for those whose superficial understanding viewed this profession as a male preserve. These true stories reveal the reality that women are equal in brains, courage, dedication and commitment, and far superior in dealing with challenges which men do not face -- like overcoming that superficial perception of law enforcement as a male preserve, and achieving both respect and honors in the male-dominated environments of police departments and federal agencies. The extremely entertaining book is a must read for anyone interested in law enforce. "Fascinating First Person Accounts from Law Enforcement Veterans" according to jean in stafford. Outstanding!!!!A GREAT read - short stories of personal adventures in law enforcement from the real Pros.John Wills did a marvelous job of assembling this book - one that. if you have to put down, you can pick back up anytime and not miss a beat.Best ever companion for trips to the doctor's, dentist's, lawyer's office!

John is an award-winning novelist, former Chicago police officer and retired FBI agent. His short stories have also won awards and are published in several anthologies. John has published more than 125 articles on police training, firearms and street survival. His thirty-three years in law enforcement have included working violent crime, drugs, undercover assignment