I Can't Believe I'm Knitting Socks (Leisure Arts #4083)

Read I Cant Believe Im Knitting Socks (Leisure Arts #4083) PDF by Cynthia Guggemos eBook or Kindle ePUB Online free. I Cant Believe Im Knitting Socks (Leisure Arts #4083) Youll be thrilled right down to your (pampered) toes when you say, I cant believe Im knitting socks!. Our Extras and General Instructions sections provide useful information on yarn options, different cast-on techniques, choices between double-pointed needles and circular needles, and different types of Heels and Toes. Wear them with your favorite clogs, pair them with jeans or skirts, or let them replace your fussy old house shoes. Youll fly through our helpful hints and photos to create

I Can't Believe I'm Knitting Socks (Leisure Arts #4083)

Author :
Rating : 4.98 (995 Votes)
Asin : 1601402503
Format Type : paperback
Number of Pages : 56 Pages
Publish Date : 2017-03-14
Language : English


Other excellent Leisure Arts knitting publications by Cynthia include #4784 A Cuff Above (socks for the family), #4440 Lacy Baby Sets to Knit, and #4467 Timeless Styles (knit fashions for women). Her other much-loved occupation is that of knitwear designer, work that had its pleasant beginnings in her childhood. . You can also catch her writing as "baxterknits" at Ravelry. To see what Cynthia is currently working on, visit her blog at baxterknit

Laell said I really knitted a pair of socks!. For some reason I am fascinated with knitting socks. This book provided me with the basics of how to knit socks and the techniques used for such an endeavor. The instructions are well-written and easy to follow. For me, this book has been a terrific "how-to" for sock-knitting.. A Customer said I Did It!. The thought of knitting a sock has always scared me, but finally I decided it was a mountain I had to climb. So I bought this book, sight unseen, & Schurch's Sensational Knitted Socks. Between the two of them, I knitted a sock!! A real sock. Me!! I wish I could say that I bought two books but could have managed with just one of them, but I about wore BOTH of them out going back & forth for clarity. Perhaps I am . A Cookbook for Socks This really is a cookbook for the sock knitter. There are a variety of patters for different numbers of stitch repeats. Find a pattern you like, figure out what gauge you get with your yarn and needles and look up how many stitches to cast on for your sock size. There are directions for toe-up and cuff-down construction and for heel flap and short row heels. You get the basics for designing your own socks. Very

You can also catch her writing as "baxterknits" at Ravelry. Other excellent Leisure Arts knitting publications by Cynthia include #4784 A Cuff Above (socks for the family), #4440 Lacy Baby Sets to Knit, and #4467 Timeless Styles (knit fashions for women). To see what Cynthia is currently working on, visit her blog at baxterknitsspot. . About the Author Cynthia Guggemos works as a library assistant, a job the avid reader adores. Her other much-loved occupation is that of knitwear designer, work that had its pleasant beginnings in her childhood

You'll be thrilled right down to your (pampered) toes when you say, "I can't believe I'm knitting socks!". Our Extras and General Instructions sections provide useful information on yarn options, different cast-on techniques, choices between double-pointed needles and circular needles, and different types of Heels and Toes. Wear them with your favorite clogs, pair them with jeans or skirts, or let them replace your fussy old house shoes. You'll fly through our helpful hints and photos to create an entire wardrobe of indispensable tootsie-warmers in three sizes for women. Cozy, comfy, colorful socks--with this book, knitting them by the dozens is incredibly easy! Make them cabled or plain, striped or solid, ribbed, lacy, or laddered