Paradeisia (3 Book Series)

* Paradeisia (3 Book Series) å PDF Read by # B.C. CHASE eBook or Kindle ePUB Online free. Paradeisia (3 Book Series) Ryan Nardo said Disappointing. I gave this trilogy Disappointing I gave this trilogy 3 stars because in some moments, the book really shines and youll be hooked for a while. However, after reading the final book, I feel hugely disappointed.Theres too much going on in this book altogether. I didnt mind the alternating stories that dont seem connected, but by the end of the book there was so much going on it became hard to remember everything, and at the end, the climax was so relentless it wa

Paradeisia (3 Book Series)

Author :
Rating : 4.85 (931 Votes)
Asin : B01BOM58XG
Format Type :
Number of Pages : 344 Pages
Publish Date : 0000-00-00
Language : English


book with the name of Paradeisia (3 Book Series) are written by B.C. CHASE. it launch on 0000-00-00 and has 344 number of pages. Here, you can read it online or download on any other format as u want to.

Ryan Nardo said Disappointing. I gave this trilogy Disappointing I gave this trilogy 3 stars because in some moments, the book really shines and you'll be hooked for a while. However, after reading the final book, I feel hugely disappointed.There's too much going on in this book altogether. I didn't mind the alternating stories that don't seem connected, but by the end of the book there was so much going on it became hard to remember everything, and at the end, the climax was so relentless it was overwhelming and not in a good way. I was left with far too many unanswered questions, such as: why were there dinosaurs in Paradeisia? How was Jinkins able to "destroy" Paradeisia? And the Dr who was "invincib. stars because in some moments, the book really shines and you'll be hooked for a while. However, after reading the final book, I feel hugely disappointed.There's too much going on in this book altogether. I didn't mind the alternating stories that don't seem connected, but by the end of the book there was so much going on it became hard to remember everything, and at the end, the climax was so relentless it was overwhelming and not in a good way. I was left with far too many unanswered questions, such as: why were there dinosaurs in Paradeisia? How was Jinkins able to "destroy" Paradeisia? And the Dr who was "invincib. A bloated mess; poorly written; a waste of time It's difficult to give this bloated, ill-written "trilogy" as much as two stars, except that there might be a good story or two in this mess somewhere. Other than that, it's a waste of time and money, even when it's free. Whole sections of the first novel are repeated in the second and third novels for no good reason except perhaps to raise the page count -- really, this ought to have been one book. There is no single, overarching plot or point to the exercise. The repeated sections destroy the chronology of the action. The grammar, punctuation, and spelling are appalling -- I wondered if the author's native language were really English.. 3 book Rip-off. Amazon Customer Frustrating! I feel ripped off. I got to the "end" of book one, and felt like there must be pages missing. What the? It's not even a cliff-hanger you could expect from a trilogy. It just stops. No story line reaches any kind of resolution. I was intrigued by what the the author set up, but nothing is given enough detail to make me want to spend more money to find out what happens. I wish I hadn't even started this series.