Raising Low-Fat Kids in a High-Fat World

Read [Judith Shaw Book] Raising Low-Fat Kids in a High-Fat World Online PDF eBook or Kindle ePUB free. Raising Low-Fat Kids in a High-Fat World No child wants to grow up fat - to this I can attest. Being an avid lover of fine food, I have been battling with my weight since I was a child, back then, people talked about a healthy balanced diet, but it just seemed to be duplicitous way of saying - everything you enjoy eating is bad for you and you have to starve to be thin. Later when I started to grow, my weight suddenly shed off, I thought my luck had changed, I was no longer fat, but I was always hungry, and I never had the energy to do

Raising Low-Fat Kids in a High-Fat World

Author :
Rating : 4.15 (808 Votes)
Asin : 0811814416
Format Type : paperback
Number of Pages : 256 Pages
Publish Date : 2016-04-29
Language : English


A trip to the supermarket these days reveals something truly frightening: some of today's kids are really, really fat. She not only helps you understand what fat is and what it does, she shows you how to shop, cook, and keep food on hand that's all kid-friendly and still healthfully low-fat. Judith Shaw started worrying about this issue back in the 60s, when she saw family members and friends' parents dying from heart disease, and has had 30 years to perfect her approach to low-fat eating for families. And if you

No child wants to grow up fat - to this I can attest. Being an avid lover of fine food, I have been battling with my weight since I was a child, back then, people talked about a healthy balanced diet, but it just seemed to be duplicitous way of saying - everything you enjoy eating is bad for you and you have to starve to be thin. Later when I started to grow, my weight suddenly shed off, I thought my luck had changed, I was no longer fat, but I was always hungry, and I never had the energy to do sport after school without falling asleep in class the next day. It was at about that time that the diet craze began. Almost every week you would here of some new diet, eat more of this less of that, bu. An excellent resource This is a very well-written book. I originally borrowed it from the library and decided right away that I wanted my own copy. It explains how to alter your diet from a typical high-fat American diet to a lower-fat, healthy one without a mutiny from your family.It was eye-opening to learn how to read nutrition labels on packaged foods so that I really understood how much fat was in the things I was eating. It was also immensely helpful to see WHY certain ingredients (like hydrogenated oils) are bad for you. There are lots of great recipes in this book, and also demonstrations of how you can change recipes you are already using so that they wi. A Customer said This book was a great help to my husband and I. I have red so many health books over the years and Raising Low Fat Kids in a High Fat World is the only one which not only presents the food facts but gives you easy steps on how to get your whole family to embrace dietary changes. Judith Shaw understands that food changes cannot be dictated to ones family but must be made in partnership with them and she provides sound advice on how to achieve this. Her recipes and ideas for food replacements and recipe alterations are fabulous and reflect the wealth of her cooking experience (Judith apprenticed at Chez Panisse for three years). When discussing the facts about fact Judith includes informati

American children eat too much fat. As a mother who has successfully lowered the fat in her kids' diet, Shaw offers helpful, realistic advice that parents can immediately put to use. Concerned parents who are seeking guidance in maneuvering their children through this high-fat world need look no further than Judith Shaw's new book. Although 40 of the author's favorite kid-tested recipes are included, this volume is much more than a cookbook; it's a culinary philosophy and practical method to painlessly guide the entire family to a healthier diet.. With this guide, parents will learn how to decode nutritional and ingredient labels, detect hidden fat in foods, and find ways to substitute lower-fat ingredients without radical changes in the family diet

Judith Shaw is a psychotherapist known nationally for her work with families. She lives in the San Francisco Bay Area with her husband and is the mother of four grown children.