The Hawk's Gray Feather (Keltiad)

Read [Patricia Kennealy Book] The Hawks Gray Feather (Keltiad) Online PDF eBook or Kindle ePUB free. The Hawks Gray Feather (Keltiad) Arthurs enemy is the usurper Edeyrn, more than a mortal man and greatest of Druids, sworn to destroy the House of Don.. Set in the world of Celtic mythology, this book follows the adventures of the people of Keltia, when Arthur himself fought for the throne of the Royal House of Don]

The Hawk's Gray Feather (Keltiad)

Author :
Rating : 4.99 (777 Votes)
Asin : 0451450051
Format Type : paperback
Number of Pages : 400 Pages
Publish Date : 2017-01-01
Language : English


From Publishers Weekly Kennealy's vivid interpretation of the Arthurian legends begins a trilogy set in the Celtic worlds earlier encountered in such works as The Copper Throne . Arthur, first seen as the son of a minor noble but later revealed as royalty, and his foster brother, Taliesin, the narrator, are educated by the Druid Merlynn; then Arthur is sent to learn warfare while Taliesin strengthens his bardic skills. But his turbulent, jealous relationship with the other heir to the throne, his cousin Gweniver, leads him into an unwise marriage that will precipitate later tragedy. Events chronicled here take place 1500 years before those in the previous series. There is complete equality between the sexes--several of Arthur's commanders and many of his troops are women--while magic provides a strong underpinning to daily li

"Heartbreaking as an Arthurian tale should be, and beautiful to boot" according to Angela L. Lazarus. This ambitious retelling of Arthurian romance relies on the Celtic rather than English or French legends (think Gawain rather than Lancelot, freedom-fighting rather than pageantry). Arthur and his foster-brother, with a band of faithful comrades, struggle to bring peace to a war-torn Keltia at great personal cost. For me, it captures the force and pathos that all great Arthurian tales have, and its heroes are complex and imper. Wonderful new spin The Athurian legend has been done and redone so many times that no one quite knows what's historical or not any more. Ms. Kennealy has built a mythical universe in which the Athurian legend is told with new flavor and color. She mixes traditional elements with aspects of a deeply spiritual nature. I found myself thoroughly engrossed the entire time. It is a mark of her talent, that even though I had foreknowledge of how the st. So glad i picked this up! Renee Fizer I love Arthurian novels, and this one was such a wondeful suprise.The novel is narrated by Talesin(that might be misspelled) As a child of not quite six, he is spirited away from his home. He is raised in thew house hold of Ygrawn and Gorlas,lord and lady of Daars. Also there, Talisins foster brother, Arthur. The two grow up together, and share many adventures, until one day, fate strikesThe worlds of Keltia are being ruled ov

Arthur's enemy is the usurper Edeyrn, more than a mortal man and greatest of Druids, sworn to destroy the House of Don.. Set in the world of Celtic mythology, this book follows the adventures of the people of Keltia, when Arthur himself fought for the throne of the Royal House of Don