The Sixth String

Read The Sixth String PDF by Elisabeth Waters eBook or Kindle ePUB Online free. The Sixth String A Delicate Tale according to Patricia P Nelson. This story centers on the qin (or guqin), an ancient Chinese instrument, and the efforts of an Empress to bear the Emperor a son. The plot is as delicate as the music of the seven silk strings and the outcome is fairly obvious. Waters delineation of the characters resembles finely brush]

The Sixth String

Author :
Rating : 4.37 (948 Votes)
Asin : B004KAB1T0
Format Type :
Number of Pages : 121 Pages
Publish Date : 2013-03-29
Language : English


"A Delicate Tale" according to Patricia P Nelson. This story centers on the qin (or guqin), an ancient Chinese instrument, and the efforts of an Empress to bear the Emperor a son. The plot is as delicate as the music of the seven silk strings and the outcome is fairly obvious. Waters' delineation of the characters resembles finely brush

Then two emperors, for different reasons, added one apiece, bringing the total to seven strings, each with its own symbolism. Ross.. Which raises the question: does each string have its own use in magic?This story originally appeared in the anthology LACE AND BLADE 2, edited by Deborah J. The qin, or guqin, is an instrument filled with symbolism. It originally had five strings for the five elements: metal, water, fire, wood, and earth